STORY - Calling in a Debt Chapter 8

Oct 17, 2005 18:49

Disclaimers: Neither the idea of Harry Potter nor the characters belong to me in any way. They are the sole property of JKR. I do not make any money with this story ( Read more... )

hp, fanfic, debt

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munchkinofdoom October 21 2005, 21:11:17 UTC
Hi! The file arrived safely, have done the first 2 and a bit pages (up to the Harry section) and no problems with using the track changes facility.

There is a line about Albus that still has its html commands in prep for live journal. I haven't touched that. :)

Should have the chapter back to you in a few days...


ca_pierson October 22 2005, 00:58:09 UTC
I write everything with html tags. They get edited out once a chapter is posted.


ca_pierson November 3 2005, 15:27:35 UTC

Is it okay if I list you with your livejournal-name as my beta? If not I will change it of course. I'll wait with posting until you answer.

The next chapter is begging me to write it, and I had a few ... interesting ideas, which I hope will be a surprise for everyone.

Be well,


munchkinofdoom November 3 2005, 17:50:58 UTC
Is it okay if I list you with your livejournal-name as my beta?

That will be fine.

The next chapter is begging me to write it, and I had a few ... interesting ideas, which I hope will be a surprise for everyone.

Yessss!!! Adds note to self: bug Cassandra regularly about updating Calling In A Debt :)

Am more than happy to beta anything you want to send my way. Was glad to help. Just hope it was useful :)


ca_pierson November 4 2005, 02:51:20 UTC
Right now it looks like you will have your wish soon enough, I had a breakthrough while I was taking a ride on the bus. It's still got some loopholes, but I'm working on it.

Also, I've written the last scene of the chapter and have a good portion of the next chapter in an outline. I just hope I won't be flamed tooo much for chapter 9. If you want to take a peek now just tell me.

You helped loads (^_^) and I'm very thankful! You and Christine are the only ones who actually found something to improve on :), which is extremely important for a perfectionist.


munchkinofdoom November 4 2005, 04:45:37 UTC
Right now it looks like you will have your wish soon enough, I had a breakthrough while I was taking a ride on the bus.

Yes! Just the threat to bug you produced results :)

I just hope I won't be flamed tooo much for chapter 9. If you want to take a peek now just tell me.

Hee, hee, hee... sounds interesting already. I have no problems with controversial, so write away :)

But seriously, if you want me to look it over at any time, even before the beta, I am more than happy to do so. While most of my betaing is just after the fact work, due to distance etc, I have a close friend ts5000, who is more like a sister to me. I have long been her sounding board as well as beta, and love the brainstorming parts the most. She now writes professionally, and I edited her latest manuscript - all 180,000 words of it! But the bit I enjoyed most was her telling me the story as she went. She would wait for my eyes to light up, my mouth to run about possibilities, and then she would pick and choose what she wanted to add to the plot. I have a very ( ... )


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