Apr 18, 2008 01:54
Financial woes are getting better emotionally. Mentally not so much, since I get to do lots of forms this weekend. Fun, fun.
After evening class of pain and torture tonight, I went over to hang out with friends. I know, I actually have a life which is something I am getting used to. If a life consists of playing lots of video games and insanity counts. Anyways, we all went outside to watch the sunset (which was very pretty to see it set into the water) and Drew made a bonfire.
And then we got hungry and decided to head back for late night. Slight problem is that the beach is all rock and no sand, which makes it difficult to move and walk in. Since it was dark, it made it harder to see and move. We eventually got to a part which there was a stream and there were rocks to walk across, but the rocks were at sharp and unusual angles. I have problems balancing, since my ankles are all screwed up after I fell down a flight of stairs when I was seven. This is why I can't run very well or very fast.
At one point, the only way I could get across was to crouch down and sort of crawl to get to other side without falling and cracking my head open. It worked, but my iPod fell out of my pocket and into water. iPod is in one piece, but it's water logged but it still turns on. To be safe, I'll leave it off for a while so it has a chance to dry.
Unfortunately headphones have been short circuited, but I've been planning on buying new ones since they were kinda broken anyways.
My package came in the mail to... err yesterday! Two days early. The US Postal Service was not kind to the box, but everything came intact. YAY! I have distractions in book form!
And in other news, I feel slightly depressed.
But at least I have someone who will stick up for me and do something about my neighbors for me. Since I have an inability to defend myself, due to me hating confrontations and kinda learning from past experience as a child that it makes things worse. Yay for having friends in (sort of) high places.
I should probably go to bed. I have a test and CSC lab in the morning. Lame.