RP logs

Sep 16, 2010 01:42

I was cleary honest, anon!
Cuba is really a nice guy!
I was looking for Mr England but....something happened to me
Found England, but what the maple happened to him?!
I have nice hair according to anon!

Mighty Beaver is nice
Cuba hugs
My first dare is......WHAT
Headdesking seems to attract a lot of people
Asking France for advice
I got a special someone? Maybe

.....They like me?
Partying with Portugal
France, your hand doesn't go THERE
Dared to streak and grope butt....yay
I asked for romantic advice...I got none :|
Maple leaf is kinda tiny...
OOC yelling turns to IC kissing America

I got shipped with America...
trying to get drunk
getting molested and avoiding sex with France
Going to Cuba's place
Summoned by Portugal
I am manly when OOC
Spin The Bottle, Lithuania gets my number and yeah...

More ridiculous dares
According to France, I am his
Tying up my shoelaces
Telling the truth this time....maybe

Turkey's party
More dares to do!....And then Portugal did this thing with me
Raft vs Canoe dare?! Plus male Belarus kiss
I've shared a bed with France many, many times
Disscussing underwears with the treasure chest
Making a pun means you get Canada accidentally grinding on you
Meeting MacKenzie King!
Staring at America for being in an ENGLAND'S PENIS thread
America trying to blame me but England forgets me. AS USUAL
Talking about crushes with Portugal and Brazil

Dared to crossdress and truthfully said who was the best kisser
Belgium is a nice woman
Talking to America about him and France
Getting punched AGAIN
Turning into a zombie
Making friends with Sweden's cat
Trying to do that fake salt on your tongue thing
Ask A Nation; glasses/haircurl and finding out being a zombie
DAMN THAT DENMARK | click (parent) to view thread to Top 10 Best/Worst Lovers
Getting asked about my 'partners'
Dared to kiss someone from the worst lovers list
England thinks America is cuter (so many anons jumping on England ahahaha) and a diffrent America kisses him as a dare & wrestling with my bro

Playing pranks on America
Another America knows what bromo is
Drunk Cuba and ice cream
America and the nonos

Date with Portugal & at his place

Dared to do a compliment thread, discussed bromo, hug England and......go on a date with America :|
Hugging little America
France have a LOT of affection for everyone
Beer with Bavaria
Canada may have EED according to America

America topped Canada?
Left alone in the dark brings an eyes.gif and America after him
Still in the dark, finding France for help
Drunk Santa Claus Finland is drunk
Standing under a missing mistletoe brought me a lot of kisses

Trapped in a room with America and England | With America & With England & With both, escaping the room
Talking about maple in the room
Being badfic Canada
Badfic Canada with badfic England
Canada is a beaver boinking ice hole

(Threads when Canada turned into a girl)
Canada is boring?
Cuba trying to help Canada out
Summoned by America for a kiss dare who discovers he is a she
Getting hated on for liking Cuba?!
An anon gets some Canadian love
Helping out Ukraine
Dealing with drunk France
Attending Sweden's New Year party
Meeting fem America
Drunken fun with England
Checking naked Estonia out
Dancing with another France
Dared to grope Cuba annnnnd kissing America AGAIN
FemAmerica wants Canada to be a guy!
France and Canada after the New Year party
France kidnaps Estonia and Finland
France tries to get Canada to touch herself
America likes Canada as a girl
Cuba helps Canada be a guy again

Mindtricked! Giving Quebec to France & asking America #1 out and being his 51st state & Asking America #2 on a date
Talking about bully!anon with Cuba
Belgium heard about Canada's foursome date
He wants to do it with.....
Who would Canada bang?
I'm a raindrop as I'm falling for you
Being a cat with an eyes.gif
Dared to grope asses and...Prussia's Awful Kiss | America grope #1 & America grope #2 & America grope #3 | Canada has to relate every comment to how awesome America is to EVERY thread
Prussia's ass is so white
Canada can get it into America for free
Trying not to remember anything about America
WELL. Canada and America remembers SOMETHING
Drunk America confirms that something happened that night
Horrible, OOC RPing: Bromo edition
Revealing who he had lost his virginity to

Kissed by Italy
Kissing his other self
angry anon demands a refund
Britannia Angel is crazy
Happy birthday Liet!
kissed by Chibimano?!
and kissed by Rome....
Hugging his bro
Canada heard that America likes Bieber 8)
Prussia, what the fuck are you DOING
Giving England mochi tea
America and Canada being awkward turtles

Netherlands kissing Canada in haikus
Canada is cute according to Netherlands
dared to do the elephant dance and sing in french | Doing the elephant dance
France the matchmaker ships NedCan
Getting drunk with Prussia
Canada is turning Netherlands on?
Dared to use his invisible powers for GOOD (seduce America) | Getting revenge on America
Getting mail from Prussia's ass

Taking America to a cafe & part 2 [NOT COMPLETED]

Talking to DJ France about his Feelings
Seeing femAmerica streak
Naked Netherlands
Hugging an ass-- I mean Netherlands
Mindtricked!Rome wants Canada's babies
Wales is gonna help Canada out
Auntie Monaco is disappointed ;n;

Netherlands, a dress and a date [NOT COMPLETED]

Fixing Netherlands' pants

As a girl:
On Twitter with her bro and cute anon
On a beach with Netherlands
France's going to die
OOC thread; being a bitch to her male clone and French Cuba
OOC thred with America
Fapping!anon scares her
Giving Netherlands a tulip
Changing Canada back into a guy: FRANCE'S MAGICAL PENIS

Scary Netherlands is scary
Oh France
Talking about sex with Belgium
Arranging ice hockey evening with Netherlands
texting Netherlands to confirm ice hockey thing
helping Ukraine out
Australia likes his sausages
Denmark is NOT a kid
I think Belarus hates Canada

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