(no subject)

Jun 28, 2009 17:55

It's hot here today and has been all weekend. I've been hiding out inside since yesterday afternoon. This is always the time of year when I start thinking about how nice it would be to move to the coast, where the high is like 75-80.

Mark called me from his place and he thinks he has pneumonia. I think that the flu is more likely, as he's only been sick for a few days. It seems like he is always coming down with something. He should eat better.

I've been watching the beginning of S1 of True Blood. Did I mention that already?  So far I'm 3 episodes in. I like Sookie, like that she's cute in a real girl way and not perfect. She's got a split in her teeth, which is something that I have as well. So far the boys are interesting too, but Sam is my favorite.

There's a lot of sex in the show, which my friend warned me about, and it's not pretty sex - it's more on the raw side. Those HBO actors are brave.  The story is interesting, but it shows the South in a sinister way. I wonder what it really feels like over there?  Is it anything like they show it on tv?  I've heard that the bugs are HUGE.
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