He gave me permission to post it in my journal.
Interesting thought.
I was watching a documentary about the head chef at Tasajara Community Center..he wrote the Tassajara Bread Book. He is a Buddhist monk and one of the lessons he repeated was..
You cannot make anyone happy.
Read more... )
First ting, ..............I get it.
Second ting,..............you get/got it.
Third ting,...............The baker had it already, and gave it away in spades.
Fourth ting,..............Someone using the monniker coen didnae get it..............at all at all.
Fifth ting,...............some people are full of shit.
Sixth ting,...............we are all born into a world that is hostile to the way that we actually are.
Seventh ting,.............Here in text form is a picture for your John Lennon "imagine" muscle.
On the one hand that which is integral.
(Think scales)
On the other hand, that which
Could be called
Six pushing seven billion individual humans.......being,
in the balance.
Eighth ting, personal message to someone calling themselves coen.
Eat more figs.
Ninth ting.............eliminating ones shit, releases the shitter.................to feel another way about ting.
Ten-ting. Ones shit tends to consist of undigested thaughts, feelings, and beliefs.
Another thing. One is not ones own minds version of ting.
And but.
But and.
Hey, you!
Good to have evidence you are still on the planet!
Maybe you are right, and maybe I didn't get it.
Maybe I did get it, but I just didn't agree. Those are two different things.
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