Initial post is speech she wrote for toastmasters
-- well worth reading.
Then, from comments:
catpriestess wrote:
Oct. 7th, 2008 06:44 pm (local)
Thanks, Doc. That did go over well as a speech last night.
I believe - and from what I've gleaned from our short correspondence, it sounds as though you do too - that the two most important things each of us must do day after day are to take responsibility for our own thoughts, actions, and responses to the rest of the world; and to keep moving forward rather than surrendering to despair.
The best way I've found to keep up the momentum is to keep up a steady drumbeat of tiny acts based in my faith that
people are mostly good,
love mostly wins,
life's mostly sweet,
and it costs me nothing to make someone else's day a little better.
ca_katarina wrote:
Oct. 10th, 2008 05:34 pm (local)
Oh, my.
Now, THAT was just beautiful.
And inspirational.
May I nab that comment for my journal?
I will attribute, of course.
catpriestess wrote:
Oct. 10th, 2008 07:03 pm (local)
Re: Oh, my.
You may certainly spread that thought far and wide. :-) I'd be delighted if lots and lots and LOTS of people put it in their signature lines, wrote it in their notes to themselves, and scribbled it in bathroom stalls.
This is the part where I out myself:
I write for a living. LJ is something I've started doing when I get home from the office. It's very seldom I feel possessive about something I've written. If I post it, it's just words, and there's lots more of them where that came from. Words from my heart cannot be erased from my heart, even if I release them into the wild.
I am deeply honored that you liked what I said. Thank you for asking.
(Fly far and high, little words!)
ca_katarina wrote:
Oct. 14th, 2008 10:14 am (local)
Re: Oh, my.
Cool. Thanks.
Oh -- the "Cool" goes for you
AND for what you write. : )