Fanime Lolita Panel- Designer and Model Call!

Apr 23, 2013 13:50

This year, janitors and I will be running the lolita panel at Fanime, and it will be happening from 10 AM to 12 PM on Sunday, 26 May. While we'll be doing a section on the major Japanese brands and cheaper Taobao shops, we'd also like to showcase the creativity and ingenuity of Western indie brands. To that end, we're looking for 3-5 designers and 15-20 models to participate in the panel.

For designers:
We're looking for designers who primarily create lolita pieces (Lolita with other influences is fine, but we're not looking for punk, mori, or gyaru designers- this is to keep the panel's clear focus on lolita fashion). If chosen, you would be responsible for briefly talking about your brand (for 1-2 minutes) and showing no fewer than three, but no more than six, looks. You would have your brand's name and URL printed in the pamphlet we will be handing out to all attendees, and we can also hand out business cards, ads, or other promotional material if you can get it to us at least 24 hours in advance of the panel.

If you think you fit the bill, please e-mail the following information to cnunley90[at] by 3 May, with "Fanime Panel- Designer" in the subject line.
-E-Mail address:
-Preferred mode of contact:
-Brand Name:
-Brand Description:
-Past Work: (It's okay if you link to an online portfolio! It's also okay if you don't have one, but please be sure to provide AT LEAST 3 examples so we can get an idea of your brand's aesthetic)
-Can you provide your own models? (If not, that's alright- we can help you on that front!)

For models:
We're looking for girls who are able to take care of their own hair and makeup and who will be available during the panel times (requirements aren't that strict!). We plan on forwarding this information to designers looking for models, so they'll be selecting the people they want and they'll be contacting you on their own. Please e-mail this information to cnunley90[at] by 3 May!
-E-mail address:
-Preferred mode of contact:
-Bust measurement:
-Waist measurement:
-Hip Measurement:
-Full-body shot:
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