It's no wonder I buy everything online...

Jan 14, 2009 14:27

It's never nice to be reminded of just how much contempt your local shop has for the average customer.

2 Hours I spent looking for an 8Gb+ Memory Card for my PSP in town and not once did I see one because all the shops seem to think the best way to make a sale is to lock everything smaller than a pair of binoculars in glass cabinets behind the counter where none of the plebs can see what's available to decide whether or not they want to buy it.
Oh, incidentally, they also like to charge £20 over RRP for them, just because.

What the fuck happened to the days when you would wrestle something off the wall rack, give it a once-over as you look at the packaging pretending to know what the specs mean before walking over and plopping the thing over on the counter to get rung up?

Now it's just:
Do you have "A"?
Can I have "A"?
No, this is "B" I wanted "A"

Rinse and repeat to the point where you find out what you want is out of stock. You'd known that if the things were up on an easily accessible wall but then you wouldn't have wasted 20min of your time in a shop you're not likely to come back to ever.

Also, what the fuck is up with 4Gb cards? Is there something magical that makes people stock only 4Gb cards?
The hell is it about 8Gb and 16Gb cards that gets me so many funny looks?

Best of all is that living in Europe means Amazon and other online retailers won't ship my their Memory Cards and eBay is full of fakes. 
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