Jan 14, 2007 19:16
so i find myself in the library, killing time i would rather not be killing. i apparently need to check my french textbook and cd-rom out of reserve for every homework assignment (lamesauce), and so i came here after dinner to check it out, and of course someone else has already checked it out. so now i guess i just wait for an indefinite amount of time until they bring it back. so really, what's a better time-killer than livejournal?
oh, wait wait wait.....i think someone is bringing back the book....ok, so she brought back the book but not the cd? lame. i suppose i'll lj a little longer and then see what's up. i know you're all thrilled to see how these developments unfold.
in other news....i know there was a time where i survived without csi:miami, but i don't see how such a time was possible. it has definitely become my new unhealthy obsession. and see, i used to be a huge fan, but then they unjustly killed off rory cochrane's character, and i never recovered, thus falling out of watching the show. however, now i've become obsessed with post-speedle plotlines, including speedle's replacement, ryan wolfe. it makes me feel kinda dirty. like i'm betraying him. i know, i'm sick in the head.
ummmmm yeah. what else do i have to share? i don't like this whole being back at school and online when nobody else is thing. none of my girls are on, and if they are i haven't been able to cathc them. i miss heather, and want to read all about her trip to paris, and whether she left any acorns for me to find in june.
i've been working on my vag-mo monologue, which i put no actual effort into memorizing over break. i think i've got a pretty good handle on it. my most recent challenge is determining whether or not i want to do it with a southern accent. because, although i feel it would be more effective, i think we're all familiar with my proficiency with accents. not so great. kinda like joey tribbiani, they all blend into one. and it's not jamaican, more scottish. and i don't want my concentration on the accent taking away from the quality of the performance itself, you know? we'll see. i'm just glad bethamuso is doing it too.
alright, i should probably go get some work done, so i can make it back in time to watch quality sunday night television.
later my lovelies.