Jan 26, 2006 00:39
I love all of my friends.. I want to let each of you knwo why I love you.. If I forgot you tho.. let me know!!
Corey- I love you because you know exactly who I am... You and I.. even though we have never met.. have some sort of a connection.. You make me cry tears of joy through smiles.. and laugh when I'm down... I can't wait till we can get together someday and have our wedding.. haha...thank you so much! i can't wait to hear your voice on my song!
Allysa-Even though you and I havn't known each other that long.. I feel like your my long lost sister.. I love you so much! I love how we can kiss and not care... I love how you take care of me through thick and thin and deal with my crying and my stupidity and are able to be there with open arms... I love how we can go out of school and buy smokes and blue slurpies and be set just sitting around in our nderwear together! I love you so much!!
Debra-you seem like you are just like me in allot of ways! I love you because you are so beautiful.. and so smart.. some of the things you say just have helped me so much without you even realizing it.. I love how caring you are and how selfless! I do the same thing allot.. but I love how you can be smart enough to stand up and say what you want.. how you are able to call people... and be rational enough to know it's for the best!
Tyler- You are such a crazy and funny kid! I love how you can make me laugh all the damn time! I love how Funa and loving you are.. even if we are just friends.. You chill me out and I like that... I love how you were one of my campers and we can laugh about it...
Clifford- You are such a funny guy! I love how we can be mean to each other yet still laugh... You are such a sweetie and I know that everything will work out for you.. if you know what I mean... I love your crack head eyes and your fuckin mile long lashes... your my main nigga!
Matt-I love how you are just like the twin brother I never had... I love how I'm really comfortable with you... I love how you fuck the couch while I'm in the chair next to you.. I love how your so cute with the kids... I love how you make me laugh all the time! I just love you!!
Tim- you are a funny ass kid.. and a SLUT! I love you cuz even tho you stalked my sister you still love me.. I love how comfortable I am with you.. and how you want to bang me and you know it.. haha
Krista- I love how crazy we can be together.. I love how we don't have to be together all the damn time to still stay good friends.. I love how you are so offering and sharing and generous to everyone.. espacially me... I love how happy you look in Christophers arms.. I love our memories.. I just geneally love you!!
okay.. now I'm tired.. haha.. if I forgot you. I'm sorry.. comment with your name...