Dec 30, 2006 01:41
I miss my friends. Today I hung out with Chelsea and we talked about how last year there was so much drama and this year we are pretty stagnent. (spelling.. I know.) Last year resembled a wavy mountain and this year resembles a plateau.. I'm not complaining, but just making an observation.
One year ago tomorrow marks the day when I first met Jake. (Also when I sat on Dominik) It seems crazy.. not the fact that Jake and I just met but to think back to this time last year and all the stuff that was going on. It just seems like such a different time. Its hard to imagine that this time last year The Lauren's a) still existed b) hated me and c) thought I was a boy. Just kidding on the last part, but still. I think this is the first time that I am actually reflecting on my "year" in an actual calendar type way and not a september to june type way. I honnestly can say that I look at everything that has happened before I met jake and before January as "last year". Of course technically it was last year, but I usually refer to "years" as school years. Its funny how we leave school in June and come back 3 months later in September and already refer to 3 months prior as "last year".
I'm really excited for New Year's eve at Kelly's house. I can't wait to get dressed up and wear a pretty dress and see everyone else dressed up and take lots of pictures... I love it. I love that my group of friends were clever enough to think of something like this. I love that we are immitating Laguna Beach. I can't wait to see who shows up in the white dress. I have no idea what else I'm doing that night. I guess spur of the moment plans are the new hip thing for 2007. Well let me just say, I am not a fan. I may end up staying in one place the entire night which sounds like a wonderful idea considering I will seriously be with all my friends. I can seriously think of less than 5 people who will not be attending this party and that I am friends with. Seriously. Eeeeeek. Lately I've been saying eeeeeek a lot.
Today I went to see Night at the Museum and Dick Van Dyke was in it and he used the word "spry".
This has been another thrilling entry and I apologize to anyone who reads this for not updating sooner. One of my goals for 2007: Update livejournal more often.