Oh maaaaan, even though I've never really had a thing for the rock n' roller/greaser type... seeing Ryo like that... *nosebleeds* I was flailing for hours after I saw the video haha. Yeah, he talked a lot more so I was happy :) since I haven't downloaded a Janiben episode in a while. Hai, okashii desu! Soshite kawaii ne? Especially when he goes "ehhhh?" He was acting all shy and embarrassed >< *flails*
OH! Have you seen the janiben episode where Ryo gets his hair gelled up???
hahahahhahaa. he stays adorable in my heart. xD~
somehow during that short clip he talks MORE than he usually does in Janiben.
feels kinda okashii hearing him like that, don't you think?
heeee. i like Shige,too!!! 8D
I was flailing for hours after I saw the video haha. Yeah, he talked a lot more so I was happy :) since I haven't downloaded a Janiben episode in a while.
Hai, okashii desu! Soshite kawaii ne? Especially when he goes "ehhhh?" He was acting all shy and embarrassed >< *flails*
*flails with you*
ah yeah i havent downloaded any janibens lately, since no new subbed eps. (yeah i still rely on subs, sadly) =3
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