Dec 19, 2009 00:51


1.I have met just like the best person ever, and you may know her, astoryat3. We sent each other Christmas cards and she just wrote this great thing in mine that just made smile and think ya know, no matter what you will always have someone. They might not live in the same town or state or even country, and maybe you've never even met them in person but they're still there being you freaking awesome friend that just makes your day or your year even. Its not like these people are gonna go out and spend there last penny to buy you some great gift that you really wanted, because you probably wont have that in ten years anyway, but you're gonna remember that little thing that they said to you that just made your day and you'll love them for it.

2. [And we're on to stuff that is completely materialistic :D] I already know that Im getting exactly what I wanted except better, because its coming with all the stuff I was going to have to buy myself! So WOOOO! :D [in case you're wondering what exactly it is I will put a picture below:

YEAH, I know like OMFGZZZZ]

3. I started piano lessons and I freaking AWESOME. I feel like I'm picking it up really well and its really easy. So I'm really stoked because Ive always wanted to play the piano. And Austin got me the song book for Avenged Sevenfold's self titled album. She was afraid I wasn't gonna like it. I was like, "HOW COULD I NOT LIKE THIS!?"

4. I actually have money to get my friends real Christmas presents WOO! I usually just like make cookies. My mom even made hats and scarves for the kids I babysit. I'm also doing a Christmas trade of sorts, Maureen is gonna make me peanut-butter balls[ONLY THE BEST CHRISTMAS CANDY/TREAT EVERRRRRRR] in exchange for a knitted turquoise hat. How legit is that?

That's all I have to say, because I have to take a shower so I can get up at seven tomorrow to go babysit.

its christmass!, astoryat3, radness

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