(no subject)

Jul 29, 2004 18:24

WARPED TOUR KICKED ASS!!!!! Holy fuck I saw so many awsome bands its unreal. The best thing of all though... I FUCKIN SAW AVENGED SEVENFOLD!!!!!!!! They are like one of my all time favorite bands ever. I swear I was like 3 feet from the stage when they performed!! J.J. went with me to see avenged sevenfold and he told me that I was so into it that I didnt even realize I was standing in the mosh pit! and honestly I didnt because I was so caught up in singing along with them and I couldnt take my eyes off of them!! But anyway heres the list of everyone I got to see:

Avenged Sevenfold
Flogging Molly
Taking Back Sunday
Motion City Soundtrack
Matchbook Romance
Story Of the Year
Bad Religion
The Casualties
Billy Talent

Thats all the main ones we actually watched but we heard alot of other ones to. Oh during Anti-Flag we got up to the front and were seriously like 5 feet from the stage and we moshed hard to that one!! It was so much fun!! Story of the Year had the worst mosh and dance pit of all the ones we were in! I got punched and knocked down and beat up pretty bad but it was alotta fun! The whole thing was such a great experience. I will NEVER forget it!!

Now for the more sad part of all this... I am now not allowed to see J.J. until further notice. Why? Well we all knew we would be getting back really late from the concert (3:00 a.m.) so J.J.'s mom told him he could spend the night at Jennys house. Well I was also spending the night but J.J. was gonna sleep on the couch so its not like it was a big deal. Well when we got home me, Jenny, and J.J. all sat in Jennys room and talked about the concert (J.J. on the floor and me and Jenny on the bed of course) and so Debra (Jennys mom)told J.J. to sleep there on the floor in Jennys room. Well Debra was supposed to take me and Jenny to meet my dad this morning at 9:00 to get registered for school but turns out my dad on the way to work decided to ride by Jennys house and he saw J.J.'s car there and stopped because he was concerned. Well he knocked on the door which woke us all up and Debra answered the door and when my dad found out that J.J. had spent the night he made me get my stuff and he took me to my moms house to get ready and they talked about it. They called J.J.'s mom and while I was registering his mom called back and told us he was also grounded. So we both got put into a bad situation not really meaning to and we got in trouble. Debra is the main one that everyone is mad at but now me and J.J. can no longer see each other for a good while. My dad told my mom on the phone to take away my cell phone and I shouldnt be allowed on the computer since they know I talk to J.J. on the computer but my mom is letting me use the computer and the regular phone anyway because she knows J.J. is grounded so he wont be getting online or calling me anyway. I still cant have my cell phone but I'll live without that. So my mom is being pretty cool by letting me have the computer and regular phone. Anyway thats what happened and so yeah I wont be seeing him for a long time... In the mean time I guess I just gotta find something else to do other than hang out with him. It sucks but maybe I can figure out something.
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