(no subject)

Jul 06, 2004 11:15

Not much to update on. I guess there really isnt anything interesting in my life...which actually there never really is. I've got a really bad sore throat and I'm having trouble breathing properly if thats anything worth telling. Oh and Monday me, my friend Jenny, and my grandparents are leaving for Tenneessee. I'll be gone about 4 days. Anyway, oh yeah I will be going to a new high school this year (of which i'm really not lookin forward to) and its probably gonna suck! Callaway High! uhhh yeah ok whatever but i've already been told that I must show school spirit... Me? show school spirit? I think not!! I'd rather drop dead than support that school much less any school around here. Oh well once again I have no control over something in my life. Bleh it sucks. Just another place to be surrounded by brain-dead morons who think they know you as soon as you walk through the fucking door and start to degrade you by how you dress and how you look and they bring on a year of hell with the same ol same ol bullshit antics!! Much less most of the people I know and have been to school with before and they are all assholes! I'll try to give anyone a chance but once your chance is gone oh well I guess its just too bad for you then! Fuckin assholes is what they are and trust me through the years they havent changed!! Stupid preps and rednecks always on your goddamn case. Its all fucked up bullshit!! whew! ok sorry I was just doing a little venting..its about time I let that out. Anyway I think I should just go... somewhere... I've done enough bitchin for today.
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