Mar 06, 2009 11:59



Oooh. Pretty covers (except for the part where they pasted 'Savers' over 'Data Squad'!). And they're original! Look at the covers closer and you'll see ORIGINAL with government department approval as well.

Happily, I went home immediately to watch with my sis.

I watched it on the desktop. Hmm...? What the hell?! The quality is damn terrible! Okay... Maybe that's the reason it's so cheap.

Hmm...? This looks awfully familiar...

Ehhh??? The fonts----!!

Why is that part blurred? o___o

(This happened in a flash) Did I just see 'onkeikun'?


What in the world did I just see?! That blurred portion must have been WtW Fansubs or something! GYAAAA!!! I'M SO FIRED UP!! How dare they make use of FREE FOR ALL FANSUBS! Unbelievable! Monsters! Idiots!

No wonder it was so cheap! The whole DVD cost the same as four or five ORIGINAL BLEACH episodes!!! ARGH!

Curious, I watched further. The next episodes, the opening and ending have been cut off, probably to hide the credits. Later on, maybe around episode 20, it's no longer fansub... Good gracious.

However, it is so not ORIGINAL. Stupid department. Must have been bribed or something. Don't they ever check?! *grumbles grumbles*

savers, dvd, digimon

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