This will be a long term personal project of mine. I just want to see how much I fair in gardening. xD I'll be keeping track of the progress here~
August 13, 2008
Don't ask me where I got the idea from. It just popped up in my little crazy mind. I started the project at around 3.15pm so I'll take another photo tomorrow around the same time.
Of course growing a plant needs a seed first.
Note: These seeds has been several years old that I wonder if they'll still grow. Well, I'll just have to try my luck.
Next, I need a pot to plant in! Planting in the garden is a more difficult task. I didn't get a brand new pot since I don't have the money to buy one. So, I got myself an old plastic one. It's still in a good condition though. :3
The holes were blocked with stones so that the soil wouldn't escape. I used ornamental stones instead of natural ones 'cause I'm just too lazy to search my garden. xD
And there goes the soil~!
Mustn't overflow or block those tiny holes at the side!
Hi seed.
Bye seed.
Water to give the thirsty-for-years seed some drink!
And the pot is placed in a strategic place. XD
August 14, 2008
Running a little late today. It's already 7.53pm when I took this photo. xD I took an afternoon nap and then, I forgot. Of course nothing will happen this soon.
August 15, 2008
Good. I'm quite on time. :3 Once again, nothing happened. Waiting is the most dreadful process.
I'm on the impatient side...!
August 16, 2008
About half an hour late. xD
August 17, 2008
Nothing happens yet again... ;___; So.....
No, it didn't magically spring up in a few minutes. Since I'm really an impatient person, I dug up the seed. I'm pretty sure it's dead from all these years. *laughs* I saw a seedling stuck in between the pavers a few days ago and decided that it be planted in a proper pot instead. =D There it goes! I can't follow the beginning stages, but I'll follow you seeding's growth. One more thing - don't die!!
August 18, 2008
Oh no! Oh no! It looks like it has either weaken or the water drops on the leaves are too heavy for the leaves to support. Please don't wilt and die! No!!! D=
August 19, 2008
The sun is really hot today! You can even see the shadow of the pot so clearly. This seedling seems to be growing normally. Luckily it didn't wilt or die. :3
August 20, 2008
Dang! Who in the world did this to my plant?! When I took a look at it, seedy wasn't in its place! And the soil seemed soaked like mud! Must have been that darn gardener who gave too much water and accidentally causing seedy to escape from the soil. D< I had to replant seedy. Poor thing...
August 21, 2008
Weather's all rainy today. It's really nice and cool. Seedy is alright again, but shorter since I dug a deeper hole.
August 22, 2008
It has been cloudy and drizzling often again today. The plant looks healthy. Phew!
August 23, 2008
Mum shifted the pot someplace else~
August 24, 2008
August 25, 2008
It has been raining a lot these few days that the sky is often dark. And dang it!! There's a tiny leaf growing! YAY~! Looking at the previous photos carefully, it has already been growing but it's too small for me to realize it.
August 26, 2008
Took this at about 10pm 'cause I went for a school trip to the Parliament Building in KL and came back a while ago. =D
August 27, 2008
It got larger!!! It's rather shiny, isn't it?
August 28, 2008
August 29, 2008
August 30, 2008
August 31, 2008
Yeah, due to my leaky cauldron memory, I forgot to take a shot today. And it's Malaysia's 51st National Day too!!!
September 1, 2008
A one day skip and the leaf has grown so much!
September 2, 2008
September 3, 2008
It's extending at the end. I wonder how big this leaf will grow. And I wonder when the fourth leaf will pop up. When will the flowers come out? =D
September 4, 2008
Eh? Leaf 1 is starting to turn yellow!
September 5, 2008
The yellow is spreading!
September 6, 2008
It has been raining this few evenings. The leaf is dying...
September 7, 2008
I'm sure the leaf will fall off soon. And oh my... How huge Leaf 3 grew!
September 8, 2008
It hasn't fallen. It's still there.
September 9, 2008
September 10, 2008
September 11, 2008
Leaf 1 has finally fallen. The first leaf that helped the seed nourish into a seedling has passed away softly.
September 12, 2008
September 13, 2008
Hot hot hot. The days have been hot!
September 14, 2008
There were red boiled eggs and I ate about three of them. I just love red eggs but the yolk doesn't appeal to me much. Having so many pieces of the broken shells, I thought I might just give my plant some calcium. xD
September 15, 2008
Nyah. I was lazy. No photo today. >_>
September 16, 2008
Plant is looking healthy. :3 Hah! Look what I've found. A new leaf! This is the fourth leaf~
September 17, 2008
It looks dark. Why? 'Cause it's in the late evening. xD Haven't been snapping at the correct times this past week. The new leaf hasn't grown. Maybe tomorrow.
September 18, 2008
Yes! It's getting larger!
September 19, 2008
Should I change my angle? Which angle looks better? o___o I think the second one looks great but it's difficult to get that shot as it's on the floor level. I can't bend that low... unless the pot's somewhere higher. Funny that the edges of the leaf is purplish.
September 20, 2008
I need to stop being lazy, you know...
September 21, 2008
Woo! Green shiny leaf!
September 22, 2008
September 23, 2008
September 24, 2008
Why whenever I skip a day, the leaf would have grown so huge?!
September 25, 2008
September 26, 2008
September 27, 2008
I'm changing the view.
September 28, 2008
September 29, 2008
September 30, 2008
October 1, 2008
October 2, 2008
Na ah.
October 3, 2008