Jun 04, 2005 19:11
Well I guess by you reading this, most of you will notice that I'm not in boot as scheduled. And some of you may ask..."Why?" Well let me take the opportunity to answer that. On the morning of my departure, as I was heading into the shower, my mom approached me with a more or less, easily described, ultimatum. She hands me a NY State dog license in Poco's (my dog) name, his sticker licenses, his leash, and a number for the ASPCA and quaintly said, "Before you go, you have a responsibility here first. Right now that responsibility is for you to go and put Poco to sleep before you go." I looked at her, and told her she's fucCing out of her mind if she thinks I'm gonna even consider doing that. She wasn't willing to exactly watch him for the time that I'm gone and that if I left, she'd end up doing it herself cuz she-at one point-wants to go to Florida for a couple of weeks. There's no hope in putting him in the care of someone else because well he's close to 15 years old. I grew up with this dog. He's been a big part of my life. Plus, due to his age, he's not the same dog, and God forbid if I was gone, and he was in the care of someone else, with whom he doesn't know, I wouldn't want him to die cold and alone. He's my dog, he's my family member, he's my responsibility, as well as my mom's. He shouldn't have to be placed somewhere else. Basically, this was the ultimatum I was faced with, and the reason why I haven't gone. I don't think I'm gonna go for a bit. What's even more fucked up, is that yesterday, my mom comes home from work, with a brown thing in her hands. Further inclined, it was a puppy. A month old pitbull puppy, one that I was promised long before I was decided to go to boot camp. But she hands me the puppy (evil tactic) and then next tells me, "Well, now you HAVE to put Poco to sleep because I don't want two dogs in this house." I was like "I KNEW IT!" My mother is pure evil with an angelic facade. But other than that, I'm home, but I still have to participate in poolee meetings every Saturday or every other Saturday. But it just hurts to know overall what a hold my mother can put on me and how she can manipulate me to get her way and what she wants. This is a new low for her, putting my dog's life at stake for me wanting to do something I wanted to probably better my life.
I guess I'm back for this now,
Now for your joke:
When the new school year started, the history teacher was so excited because there were three little American Indian boys in her class. She was beside herself with excitement. So she asked the first little Indian boy to stand up and tell the class what tribe he was from and how he knew this.
The little boy stood up and proudly threw out his chest. Then he took his fist and hit it on his chest. He said in a booming voice, "I am a Cherokee. My father and I walked for many moons and one day my father said, 'Son, you see all this land. This is Cherokee land. So, I know I am a Cherokee."
"Wonderful," the teacher said, and then asked the next little Indian boy to stand.
The little boy stood up and proudly threw out his chest. Then he took his fist and hit it on his chest. He said in a booming voice, "I am a Comanche. My father and I walked for many moons and one day my father aid, 'Son, you see all this land. This is Comanche land.' So, I know I am a Comanche."
The teacher was growing more excited by the moment and asked the last little Indian boy to stand.
The little boy stood up and proudly threw out his chest. Then he took his fist and hit it on his chest. He said in a booming voice, "I am a Fuckawee."
The teacher looked dumbfounded and said, "I don't think there is any such tribe as the Fuckawee."
The little boy said, "My father and I walked for many days and many nights. And many nights and many days. We ran out of water, but we kept walking. With no rest, we were getting weary. Finally, one day my father stopped and with his hand to shield the sun from his eyes, looked around. He said, 'Hmmmm, where the Fuckawee...'"