Yay! I finally had another dream!!
Usually my dreams are really haphazard and usually don't make sense. So I'm not sure the order of events in this dream.
Let's start with the K8 part. It must be because of watching those TV clips of the K8 subgroup PVs for Puzzle. But I dreamed that they were making a PV. I guess I was a bystander on the set? Anyways, they were in a classroom with desks, really similar to the musekinin hero pv, where they're sitting and their desks are facing each other. I clearly remember Ryo, Subaru, and Hina. Hina has his facial hair XD. Pretty uneventful huh? =P
Now on to the next dream ... er clip! Ok, I was in my bed in my room sleeping. It's exactly like real life. And I was lying on my side facing my wall and what in real life is my wolf plush doll. Except in my dream, there's a guy sleeping there. I'm facing his back. So unfortunately I wasn't sure who it was. But I shifted a little and kinda went back to sleep. And I guess amidst this half sleeping half awake state, I realized it was Ryo. I think I had my hand touching him or something. I think it was his butt? XDDDDD OMG! sukebe cici XD. But he moved my hand I think. He just put it back on my side. Darn it Ryo, why won't you hold my hand and go back to sleep! HAHAHHAHA. And why didn't you turn around so that we could face each other while sleeping! AHHH if only I had more powers in my dream. I'm a total dream wuss, like I can't change events or anything. *sigh* And that's the end of my dream! O yea, and btw, Ryo-chan was wearing this while sleeping next to me (the tanktop) XDD:
Credits: dai dassou