Yamapi Dream~~~

Jan 17, 2008 21:29

Dear diary,

Last night I had a wonderful fangirl dream of Yamapi! *insert screams* And I was in the dream. So I was in a ... ballroom kind of thing I guess. It was pretty crowded. Yamapi was doing magic tricks for a crowd that was a little bit a ways from me. He had this little triangular object that he was spinning in between his hands, except they were not touching his hands. The triangle was spinning in mid-air with his hands around in it, kind of controlling it. So he was wowing the crowd, moving the object away from him into the crowd. The last part of his mini-show was having the the triangle object fly to a person as a gift.

Then he left that crowd and looked for another group in the room to perform his trick. I was kind of standing alone on the path he was taking! He looked at me *squees* and lo and behold, he was doing his trick right in front of me. He had another spinning triangle thingie between his hands. He was stepping forward (closer to me *-*) and backwards, forward and back. And so when he leaned in close to me, I stuck out my hand and cupped my left hand against the outside of his right hand *squeeeeellllllllssss*! I think he looked at me. I was all giddy from touching his hand. And then rather than making the triangle fly to someone as a gift, Pipi handed me the triangle thing. ^o^ ~~~~~~ It was a little tin house container thingo'adoodle.

I think it was a continuation of the above dream... but I was standing outside the building. And Pi was coming out. And as soon as he came out, I ran up to him, cupped his face with both of my hands and kissed him on the lips *screams* for kind of a long time *screams even more*

I am one happy fangirl~~~.

dream, yamapi

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