Bored and curious

Aug 13, 2006 14:33

Some of you guys were curious about the statistical analysis of CKR I posted a few days ago, especially how I got the results, where I put the different characters he played. Mainly regarding the queerness and hotness stats. Which I will tell you, of course. In the next entry. But since I am curious too (and, uh, kind of bored today) (and since it is much less work to vote in a poll than to put up all the stuff I made to get the charts), I'd like to do a poll asking you the same questions. Since this will be a really long-ass poll when I include every single character he ever played, I'd like to do a, well, pre-poll first. Which of his movies/series have you actually seen (you don't have to know the whole show, just the character he played)?

Poll Poll of Doom, part One

ckr stats, ckr, poll

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