
Dec 13, 2009 21:06

From the Dennys Ilic GALACTICA.TV interview

Can you name some of your favorites? Like actors you think looked really nice in photographs or that you liked to photograph?It's hard because every shoot is so different and offers an individual experience and result. Because I travel so much, I love the sort of lack of commonality in the shots that I ( Read more... )

shattered, harper's island, ckr, links

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c_regalis December 13 2009, 21:49:24 UTC
It's his personal charm. :D

And right, Shattered. So, yeah, I have no idea. I guess it's possible that the actors playing his other personalities are still in? And they deliberately left it out of the press release? As, uhm, a surprise? But yeah. I don't think so. I guess they got rid of that part. Which, I guess doesn't have to be a bad thing? If he's taking over their specific personalities it's kind of constricting for everyone? Acting-wise? Then again, constrictions are a good thing for any creative process. Normally. So... hm.

And okay, there's that thing with Molly Parker. I think they wouldn't announce it in the official release if she was just there for the pilot? Then again, they might. I think, internationally, she definitely the bigger name? So, you know, it might be just publicity? THEN again, maybe she's there for flashbacks?

And, okay, he's a detective, not an ex-detective. So. I guess they either got rid of the other actors for his personalities and then had to give him someone to talk to, so they gave him an actual job and colleagues? Or the other way around, and it got just too crowded with all the personalities as well. I am not sure why they did that, though.
Maybe some of the personalities actors were unavailable, and they couldn't find replacements, and they had to make do with what they had? Therefore colleagues instead? It seemed they did cut it very close. Maybe they couldn't wait any longer with the start of the production? Funding and stuff?

Sooo, I don't know. I need to get used to the new concept.

Oh, and. I guess in the old concept it wasn't a secret that he had problems. In the new one it seems to be. Which makes sense, otherwise he couldn't work in any official capacity.

About the IMDB page, I'd recommend to just ignore it? IMDB sucks a lot right now. The Shattered page especially is a mess. I'd say it's safe to say that they don't have a clue. Or, you know, any interest. Or pride. (I told them three times that Callum Keith Rennie != Michael Trucco. Apparently, they either don't believe me, or, much more probable, they don't give a damn.)


surya74 December 13 2009, 22:52:22 UTC
I told them three times that Callum Keith Rennie != Michael Trucco.

Bwah, yeah, THAT PIC. *rolls eyes*

I guess they got rid of that part. Which, I guess doesn't have to be a bad thing?

Totally d'accord. I think it would be much more interesting acting-wise if he played all of his personalities himself. And I think it's a clever move to make him still be active on the job, with him having to hide his condition. Interaction with real people could be more intriguing than him just being with his inside-his-head friends.

What I'm not sure about is the thing about his wife probably being alive, though I love Molly Parker. I mean, the girlfriend in the freezer syndrome is just too awsome to pass. Plus, I smell a love triangle between his partner, him, and his wife. /o\ And besides, what made him get his condition anyway, if not the death of his family?

And BEN SULLIVAN? Sucks. Want Kyle Loggins back.


c_regalis December 14 2009, 00:15:43 UTC
And they just REFUSE to get rid of it. I assume they maybe had some staff cuts or something? Or, well, maybe they just don't care. Or they are busy with other stuff. I guess there IS a need for EVEN MORE articles about Tom Cruise. Or something.

more interesting acting-wise if he played all of his personalities himself
As far as I understood that was the plan? At least, like, outside his apartment? Only that he would have to base all his personalities on the personalities he interacted with in his apartment? So, yes, I guess it's a good thing.
And yes, real people interaction, I guess most of them don't even know about his condition? So, yes, good.

As for a threesome love triangle: /c\ I hope not? I hope really, really not? That would just suck. *still has war flashbacks about the Quadrangle Of Doom in BSG*
But, well, Molly Parker is definitely a plus, and I guess, also a draw for audiences who never heard of Callum? So, good. Maybe flashbacks? Canadian shows do have a tradition to have ghosts of the recently deceased.

As for the name, I don't really care all that much. Actually, I forced unhurt to talk with me about that a wekk ago. She thinks it was probably some kind of 'survey', conducted with a sample of ten of the producer's closest friends? That would make sense, I guess. In a way? Anyway, good thing I don't really care about names. Much.


surya74 December 14 2009, 15:20:01 UTC
Well, Ben is just such a generic name. Like Tom, Sam, Jim...urg. Someone as unique as Callum deserves a more inspired character name (and OMG, how special is the name Callum? I read it means dove in gaelic ♥).


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