Hi! TV!

Nov 06, 2009 20:14

Sooo, FlashForward. I have to admit that I am still not sure if I like that series or not. The first episode was made of awesome, and then it got kind of clunky and annoying and 'WHY don't they ask the obvious questions?' and 'please, Joseph Fiennes, TRY OUT A THIRD FACIAL EXPRESSION, I have faith that you can do it' and 'can the hobbit be less annoying please?' and I am not sure if I have high hopes that it'll get better. (And please, show, you don't need to be all LOOK, we showed that before! We mentioned it! Last episode! Remember? And the one before! And the one before that one. Wait, let me show you AGAIN. We know, show. We know. Honest.)
Then again, the last episode was pretty good. Even though I am still annoyed that no one thinks of the possibility that AA sponsor guys daughter maybe just lost a limb or something, and that's what they brought back. It was pretty neat though that she was there in his apartment all of a sudden. We'll see how that pans out. And black FBI guys suicide and the changing of the game was good too. (Finally. Almost, but not quite, too little, too late, FlashForward.)
And, of course, Mr. Callum Keith Rennie showed up as promised (and in a small role, as we knew already), but How. Amazing. Was he? I am beginning to get slightly creeped out by his ability to illustrate pretty much every single thought that crosses his character's mind. How does he do that? (Sadly, for FlashForward, that only emphasizes that Joseph Fiennes does nothing else than scowl in two and a half slightly different ways the whole time. It's really annoying. Stop that.)
ANYWAY, Callum. Made of awesome, maybe even more than usual. \c/ Plus, I just saw that he will definitely show up again ("two or three more times this season and potentially for the second season") \c/\c/\c/

And okay, just a few more, alright?













Eastwick, on the other hand, has had its last chance last night. And it fucked it up. As usual. Not even Paul Gross can make up for something that dumb and fifties and weirdly misogynist and frankly just annoying... thing. Actually, Paul Gross is part of the damn problem. He's playing that whole character, every episode like it's a five minute guest spot where he can afford to be WAY over the top ALL THE DAMN TIME. (What is wrong with him? I mean, honestly what is he doing there? *baffled*) Anyway, bye, Eastwick, you won't be missed.

Bones on the other hand, thankfully, continues to be made of awesome and cute. There is no character in this show that I don't love. The last two episodes where just perfect. Yes. ♥

ETA: Oh, and also, FlashForward. What is so terribly surprising that if you put up a website (which, apparently costs millions of dollars in your universe), people are reading it (BOTH the last episode and the one before)? And using it? For their own possibly not too noble purposes? I mean, what did you think? HOW DO WEBSITES WORK IN YOUR WORLD?

ckr, flashforward, pictures, pictures.flashforward

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