
Sep 24, 2009 02:16

From the Q&A with Katee Sackhoff and Tricia Helfer (here at YouTube):
Question: If you could choose just one one former BSG castmate to be stranded on an island with who would you choose and why?

Katee and Tricia: Uuuummmmm... (both giggling)
Katee: I mean if it’s purely for sh*ts and giggles I’d probably pick Tricia.
Tricia: Yeah. Likewise. I'd pick Katee.
Katee: But if it's-- If at some point you need to procreate I might want to pick a guy. (laughing)
Tricia: Exactly. I may try Katee but (laughter) but I’m just not going to be able to do it.
Katee: I know I just don’t have - (laughing hysterically) I don’t have it in me, Trish. I don't really have it in me.
Tricia: Oh lord, yeah. If we really talking about procreation, then... (giggling)
Katee: And like, who has good genes?
Tricia: The young studs. Yeah, the Truccos, the Tahmohs, the Callises, the Bambers...
Katee: Yeah. Those guys. You gotta pick someone who's alive as long as you are.
Tricia: Yeah.
Katee: To keep you entertained. Cause if you just want someone to kind of look at and entertain you and be like, “Wow this is insane. I kind of feel like I’m livin’ in a movie, and you’re kind of awesome.” I’d pick Callum just cause you’d be like “there’s never a dull moment”.
Tricia: Yeah. Callum's awesome. Hm. Who could build the fire? Who could build the hut?
Katee: Trucco.
Tricia: Trucco. I'd pick Trucco and Tahmoh.
Katee: Trucco and Tahmoh.
Tricia: None of the English boys. (lots of giggling)
Katee: They'd be like, (English accent) "You want me to do what? You want me to build you...a fire? I can't build a fire. Bring out that thing you call - what do you call that? Like a zippo."
Tricia: We're making fun of James and Jaime. We love that.
Katee: We do love that. But I've seen Trucco like, actually (something) a motorcycle, so I think I'd pick him.
Tricia: Yeah, probably.


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