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j_s_cavalcante August 28 2009, 22:25:36 UTC

*dies from the adorableness*


c_regalis August 28 2009, 22:35:10 UTC
Isn't he just... very very adorable? Well, okay, you just said that. STILL. He just IS.


j_s_cavalcante August 28 2009, 22:40:58 UTC
He's got good hair...and an EXCELLENT hat.

What more could one ask? *sigh* He'd get this girl...in a red minute. :) I mean, srsly, Paul Gross over him? *does not believe* (Yes, I understand some people will disagree. Only my personal opinion there. :)


c_regalis August 28 2009, 22:56:42 UTC
He'd get this girl...in a red minute. :)

Well, you and I both know that he probably GOT this girl. Just not in the movie, that's all. Ahem.

Then again, I think Paul is pretty damn awesome. He's just... a different type, you know? And, well. Married. Happily, I assume. (If I'd be married to Martha Burns? I'd be happy. Just saying.)


j_s_cavalcante August 28 2009, 23:08:46 UTC
**He'd get this girl...in a red minute. :)**

Well, you and I both know that he probably GOT this girl. Just not in the movie, that's all. Ahem.

Oops--I didn't realize that expression wasn't clear across cultures. "He'd get this girl in a red minute" is American for...me. :) That girl--i.e., the actress in question...you're right. If she was single, he probably had it on offer anyway. And who could blame her? :)

Then again, I think Paul is pretty damn awesome. He's just... a different type, you know? And, well. Married. Happily, I assume. (If I'd be married to Martha Burns? I'd be happy. Just saying.)

Agreed on both counts. She is wonderful, and I adore Paul Gross. I just wouldn't automatically choose him over CKR, as people who are making movies seem to think everyone would do! :)


roadrunner1896 August 28 2009, 23:25:21 UTC
I just wouldn't automatically choose him over CKR,

Especially not with that Wayne's World hair.

Also, hi!

I wanted to mail you a naked footballer and totally forgot. Gah!


j_s_cavalcante August 28 2009, 23:40:25 UTC

I was just about to respond above, because, HIS EARS...OMG, I LOVE his ears! I know his ears better than most people who do not know him personally, because I probably draw them more than anyone else on this planet does (just saying; there's really no way to know, but it's at least possible that I do, eh?).

Also, thanks for the Naked!Soccer!Dude...it's a gorgeous photo, except I keep wanting to wash those suds away. ;) Even with the suds obscuring his naughty bits, that commercial still would not be shown on US television. *SIGH* America, get a CLUE.

Um, sorry. I love my country, but we need to help the public grow up a bit.


...speaking of drawing, dear, I have been thinking of you, as you will see. Check your in-box in a minute or so. :)


roadrunner1896 August 28 2009, 23:48:19 UTC
I like his ears! Just wait for the ear post. I will explain and you can all stop hating me. :(

Um, sorry. I love my country, but we need to help the public grow up a bit.

They probably do, cause those suds are practically like bathing trunks. They definitely leave a lot to the imagination.

My inbox is very happy right now!


c_regalis August 30 2009, 20:28:42 UTC
I like his ears! Just wait for the ear post.
Hm. I think I heard that differently. ;P (You will now forever be the woman who hates Callum's ears for no good reason, you do know that, right?)


roadrunner1896 August 30 2009, 20:42:34 UTC
That's just because you are stupid.

I only said they are my least favourite feature. So if I think everything else about him is perfect and his ears are only almost perfect, that doesn't mean I hate them.

I am pretty close to hating you all, though.


c_regalis August 30 2009, 20:56:50 UTC
Too little, too late. It's so sad, really.

And aww. Don't. You know we love you, despite your ear-hating ways!


roadrunner1896 August 30 2009, 20:58:55 UTC

You people are supposed to associate apples with me. Not ears. Especially not ear hate. I LOVE EARS!!!


c_regalis August 30 2009, 21:08:04 UTC
Aww. But we do! Associate apples with you. Of course, since the ear thing is so important to you it's now apples AND ears. *beams*


roadrunner1896 August 30 2009, 21:13:14 UTC
That is also okay, as long as it isn't ear-hate.


c_regalis August 30 2009, 22:32:24 UTC
*pets some more* All right. Let's just forget about that then, okay? :D?


roadrunner1896 August 30 2009, 22:43:01 UTC
Like that will ever happen.

Well, it might, if you suffer a head trauma or so. ;p


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