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roadrunner1896 August 29 2009, 16:01:50 UTC
You are a woman of strange tastes. Hm.

I am not. I have the best taste in the world. That is what 100% of me say, so it must be true.

And ah. There it is.

Now once I have the ear entry out of the way, what could I possibly post about Callum that you don't know already, huh? Good thing I won't get to your request in the next few years. ;p

Also, you voted Callum twice. That means you wasted an opportunity to have me talk about elephant shrew. Or whatever else there is I could have talked about.

(I got Michael Shanks this time, btw. AGAIN. *glares at your LJ*)

Mwahahahahahaha. I love my LJ. :D

Just to give you a short rundown of my headers. I have 19. 6 of these have Callum on them. Not counting the Billy/Joe one, there are 4 with Hugh on them. And then I have one each of Michael Weatherly, John Simm, David Tennant (awesome ears btw. ;p), Alexis Denisof (Wesley from Angel), Ben Browder (as John Crichton), a Torchwood Jack/Ianto and one of my football team which just lost again. I swear they hate me.

But yeah, I find it funny that my journal keeps the SPN and Michael Shanks ones just for you. ;p

(And I've got excellent taste in icons AND facial features. You have just no idea what you are talking about. Tsk.)

(You might have an excellent hat, but you certainly don't have excellent taste.

You have just no idea what you are talking about.

Okay, you might have a point there. I don't know what I am talking about most of the time. Still. My taste is so much better than your taste (how does the German saying go? Über Geschmack lässt sich nicht streiten or something like that. Little do they know. ;p)


c_regalis August 30 2009, 20:22:50 UTC
Also, you voted Callum twice. That means you wasted an opportunity to have me talk about elephant shrew. Or whatever else there is I could have talked about.
True. Still, I could TOTALLY change my vote. I have lots of time until you'll get there, right? Right. /smug

Mwahahahahahaha. I love my LJ. :D
Just for research purposes I tried again. SPN this time. Hmpf. (I think it's personal now, between your LJ and me. *narrows eyes*)

Little do they know
INDEED. I never believed that saying btw. I can spend DAYS on arguing about taste. Don't get me started on those tiny, shiny useless backpacks that are apparently STILL not out of fashion. *hates*


roadrunner1896 August 30 2009, 20:46:47 UTC
True. Still, I could TOTALLY change my vote. I have lots of time until you'll get there, right? Right. /smug

Wrong. I mean, you can change your vote, but you can't change my white board. And I only ever check when someone new votes and not counting you and neu111, no one has voted there in about a year. So there.

I think it's personal now, between your LJ and me. *narrows eyes*

I think my journal just feels that you are mean to me when I am in a fragile state of mind and wants to defend me. I kind of love my journal. ;p

those tiny, shiny useless backpacks that are apparently STILL not out of fashion. *hates*

I don't even know what you are talking about, but I think I don't miss out on anything.


c_regalis August 30 2009, 22:31:39 UTC
Well, doesn't matter. OTHER PEOPLE voted for Callum too. /smug

Fragile state of mind? Is it, uhm, the football thing? I am really sorry about that. A friend of mine is a big fan (not your club though) and I know that stuff can be... hard. Kinda like for me when half my flist doesn't care about Callum anymore? I think it's kinda like that?

And oooh, no, no, no. You don't miss anything here. Grrrs ate stupid fashion victims.


roadrunner1896 August 30 2009, 22:41:27 UTC
Some of these people really surprised me, cause they are always "shut up about Callum already!!!!" when I spam their comments. And blaming me when they dream about him and whatnot. But yeah, there will be Callum. :)

Fragile state of mind?

Yes, I am a delicate flower. Be nice to me!

No, not the football thing. I am used to that. I can take it. It's just that time of the month and I was stupid and didn't time manage my weekend right and tomorrow is a semi-doomy meeting and people impute ear hatred on me!!!

Kinda like for me when half my flist doesn't care about Callum anymore? I think it's kinda like that?

That is nothing compared to a bad loss at football. Maybe if all your friendlist and no one in the whole world would care anymore. That might be similar.


c_regalis August 30 2009, 22:46:35 UTC
Yes, I am a delicate flower. Be nice to me!

Aww. *is nice to you* (I DO read your posts btw. Honest. My flist is small because I don't filter anyone out. I am just... bad with commenting. That's all.)

Oh, I see. Go to bed then! You need sleep if you want to get through that semi-doomy meeting! And come on, you know it's just fun! Right? I mean, you do know that? Right?

and no one in the whole world would care anymore. That might be similar.
Ow. Okay, that IS bad. Like, REALLY bad. *tries not to imagine*


roadrunner1896 August 30 2009, 23:01:41 UTC
I don't really care if anyone reads my posts. If it were up to me, I would never post, only comment spam other peoples' posts. :D

But I'd rather do things to Callum pictures now than sleep. Also, being sleepy might be helpful.

And yes, I know it is just fun. I am also just a fun-whiner. :)

Ow. Okay, that IS bad.

It is. But it won't ever happen to Callum as long as we life, so no worries.


c_regalis August 30 2009, 23:08:37 UTC
Ah, yes. I know that problem. Going to bed might be wise, but it's pretty useless if you can't sleep anyway.

a fun-whiner. :)
Oh. Good. I was actually worried for a moment here. Phew.

so no worries.


roadrunner1896 August 30 2009, 23:26:05 UTC
I was actually worried for a moment here. Phew.

Don't worry. I just like to whine. ;)


Well, unless you drive me away with the ear thing, I will be around. Else I might have to take my business back to innocent bystanders' journals again. ;p


c_regalis August 30 2009, 23:34:21 UTC
We'll SEE! It might depend on icon usage! (Just to make it clear, THIS icon? Excellent choice.)
Okay, I think I have to go to bed now. Good night! <3


roadrunner1896 August 30 2009, 23:38:05 UTC
Callum icons are always a good choice with you. And I do use them most often. You can't complain about that.

I will finish this icon and then go to bed also.

Good night and thanks for distracting me. ♥


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