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Comments 165

roadrunner1896 August 28 2009, 20:49:28 UTC
YAY! Good hair makes me happy. :D


c_regalis August 28 2009, 21:27:10 UTC
And an excellent hat. Don't forget the hat! (I mean, come on, we KNEW that he would be the bad guy. And that Paul would get the girl. Right?)


roadrunner1896 August 28 2009, 21:35:57 UTC
I will have to see how excellent the hat is. I hope it won't cover up the good hair all the time. ;)


roadrunner1896 August 28 2009, 21:37:02 UTC
Oh, your caps are so much better than mine. *steals*


surya74 August 28 2009, 20:58:05 UTC
SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!! Ahem. Thanks for finding this! This means "Shattered" is really coming! And he's so totally worth going ga-ga over. :) And how cute was his answer on the sex symbol stuff! Excuse me while I try to calm down and rewatch the vid an insane number of times.


c_regalis August 28 2009, 21:31:31 UTC
*squees with you* \s/*squee*\c/

And I wasn't so much finding it as... well. Google sent it to me. Because Google loves me and wants me to be happy. \google alerts/

"Shattered" is really coming!
And probably filming right now? Maybe? The material might be from the pilot though. It looks like he's talking to his, er, friends, don't you think?

And yesyes, he is. And okay, I need to re-watch too now. You can't really listen and cap at the same time. Sad!


gammaraychick August 29 2009, 09:05:42 UTC
He's in L.A. right now - which means he's either f'ing off on a golf course, or auditioning/acting for something else. He's been in L.A. for *weeks* now - so something must be happening.


c_regalis August 29 2009, 15:58:33 UTC
Hmm. But Shattered will be filmed in Vancouver, right? And that interview... that's also in Vancouver, right? And... uh.

(I just hope that Shattered will actually happen. I hope he doesn't play pedophile fascist serial killers in a dozen guest roles in bigger Hollywood series instead.)


allzugern August 28 2009, 21:19:32 UTC
Callum! <3

And zomg, he's still as fidgety and nervous as ever ♥


c_regalis August 28 2009, 21:33:02 UTC

He totally is, isn't he? He must be one of the lower levels of the interviewer's hell. *g*

Also? \c/


snarkyducky August 28 2009, 21:51:35 UTC
dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! how can he be so CUTE!!

thanks for sharing the link! :D


c_regalis August 28 2009, 21:57:12 UTC
I don't KNOW! It's just... he's Callum? *flails* *hearts* *flails*


meresy August 28 2009, 21:53:39 UTC

I xan't watch it, though. Slow stolen wireless is slow. :(


c_regalis August 28 2009, 21:58:30 UTC
Dammit. I am trying to download it, but I guess you know how great that's working out with flash videos. Hmpf. When will you get your own internet? Soon, I hope? (Stolen ones are always slow, btw. Fact of life.)


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