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surya74 August 3 2009, 20:58:21 UTC
Oh my! So many delicious pics, just as I was about to hit the sack... Great timing, c! *g*

Lew Ashby! My precious Leoben (btw, somebody posted new stills from The Plan on SyFy forums a few days ago; I thought I spotted a #2 with red cargo pants)! And John Wakefield and his huge...knife! *Freud rotates in his grave* :D

Maybe I'm weird, but I think Callum has the sexiest facial lines. If only I knew what Nasolabialfalte was called in English...

Thanks! ♥


c_regalis August 3 2009, 21:14:20 UTC
Sweet dreams then. *g*

My precious Leoben

♥ (and agrees)

And really? New Plan pictures? Okay, I need to check that out as soon as am done typing this comment. \c/

*Freud rotates in his grave*
Oh, I think he's seen worse. Knifes are a pretty typical... substitute. Ahem.

I think you are totally normal. Honest. I mean, look at him! See? There. (And I think it's nasolabial fold. Wikipedia is great for translating stuff like this. *g*) And yes, I agree. Again.


surya74 August 3 2009, 21:27:49 UTC
And really? New Plan pictures? Okay, I need to check that out as soon as am done typing this comment.


First pic? On the right? Yeah, I'm desperate.

And thanks for helping translating! :D


c_regalis August 3 2009, 21:31:56 UTC
Oh. Right. I forgot about that one. I don't like it too much. /c\

souncanadian posted a better copy a couple of days ago. Um... here.


surya74 August 3 2009, 21:37:48 UTC
Oh! I recognized him by his pants. *g* Am I obsessed? Y/Y. So glad I'm not the only one... *goes to bed happily*


c_regalis August 3 2009, 21:54:55 UTC
Well, of course you did! Who wouldn't? Tsk. (And Yes. But that's okay. I know a lot of people who are.)

Sleep well! ♥


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