Jul 10, 2009 14:45

So, okay, Harper's Island. Episode 13, because episode 12 is apparently nowhere available. So that means that the whole thing is now even funnier than it was before. Always those questions; is it a another plot hole, or did they actually explain it in the last ep? Chances are... what? Fifty/fifty? \c/

Callum. Is. Hilarious. (I have to admit though, in this special case here I am not quite sure if it's intentional.) Spoiler warning! Spoiler warning! Spoiler warning! Highlight to read.

::So, assuming they didn't really explain too much in the last episode, he's just... a total nutcase. He kills everyone because... *scratches head*. Abby's mom had a kid with him and gave it up for adoption? I'm pretty sure that's the reason. The only reason. That's why he killed seven years ago, that's why he's killing now. Now, though, together with his kid (Henry, of course.). Kind of a family thing. It's the funniest thing EVER to watch these two doing their thing. Warm words acknowledging the victims that put up a good fight. Silent fatherly approval and encouragement from Callum for his crazy killer son. Because, you know, it's not an easy job, but someone has to do it. *giggles*
Of course I haven't seen the last episode, so maybe they explained his... philosophy in more detail in the last ep. It's still funny. And I have to admit, apart from the Callum scenes that HAVE to be in the last ep, I almost like it better like this.

Also, I have to admit the guy playing Henry does a pretty good job. He's being creepy and charming and earnest and crazy and hilarious all at the same time, while steadily ticking off explanations for plotholes of earlier episodes. I am quite impressed.::

01-This is a scene from the sadly still missing episode 12. It has Callum in handcuffs, in a prison cell. *wants*









10 blacked out partly, as it could be taken as a spoiler, original here.

11 blacked out partly, as it could be taken as a spoiler, original here.

12 blacked out partly, as it could be taken as a spoiler, original here.

13 blacked out partly, as it could be taken as a spoiler, original here.

14 blacked out partly, as it could be taken as a spoiler, original here.

15 Just doing his thing.



18 Dying (why, of course, don't look so surprised. I said no major spoilers.)

19 Flashbacking.

20 removed because possibly spoilerish, now here.





And aww (From an TV guide interview with Matt Barr from Harper's Island):

TVGuide.com: There are some theories floating around that Sully is Wakefield's son because you and Callum Keith Rennie look alike. Coincidence or a clue?
Barr: Callum and I both have hair that sticks straight up. We also have the exact same facial hair, but that's because I thought Callum was such a good actor I wanted to copy him! When all the girls on set had this thing for Callum Keith Rennie, I thought, "Well, I'm going to do what he does!" People stop me on the street saying it's obvious I'm Wakefield's son because I look like him. To be honest, I never thought about that when we were shooting.

ETA! _unhurt_ posted commentfic! Which has nothing at all to do with the topic of this post. But it's really funny? (Whole thread here for people who'd like to understand how that happened.)

harper's island, ckr, pictures, pictures.harper's island

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