This sounds quite exciting!

May 27, 2009 19:39

Paul Gross & Sienna Guillory to star in Gunless

In a WESTERN! And you you know who else will be in this? Wanna guess? )

gunless, ckr, pg

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scriggle May 27 2009, 18:04:25 UTC

So wait....Is Callum a good guy or bad guy? I mean "ruthless posse leader" leans towards bad guy but aren't gunslingers usually bad guys? That would make Paul the bad guy. Unless Paul's character is just mis-understood.

In any case, I'm all for more Cowboy!Callum an Cowboy!Paul. Just think of the slash possibilities! Adversaries who fall in love!

*wonders what this means for Shattered*


c_regalis May 27 2009, 18:14:10 UTC
Could be the bad guy of the movie. But I hope not. Maybe they are all kinda bad guys. And good guys at the same time. It's a western! It's a comedy. It's produced by Niv Fichman! (Who didn't do only Paschendaele and Blindness and, uhm, Silk, but also Slings & Arrows and Last Night!) I have high hopes! It might be good! And funny! And maybe Callum has more than one scene! That's also possible!

*wonders what this means for Shattered*

It has been picked up, right? So, not much I guess. I mean, I hope? (The other way around though... it's probably just a small role in this then?)


scriggle May 27 2009, 18:23:47 UTC
Is this a film or a pilot for a series? *is confused*

Must be a film. Otherwise Paul wouldn't be able to do Eastwick at the same time. Hmmmm. Last I read, Shattered was supposed to start filming this summer/fall.

Callum better have more than one scene. There has to be lots of scenes with him and Paul.

You know there'll have to be a climactic showdown between The Kid and Cutler. An it will undoubtedly end with one very dead Cutler. *sigh*


c_regalis May 27 2009, 18:37:12 UTC
I think it's... not? A pilot?

And okay, if Shattered starts filming in summer or fall he has totally time to do both. AND have more than one scene. And he will even have time for a few rounds of golf in between. *beams*

An it will undoubtedly end with one very dead Cutler. *sigh*

Or MAYBE THEY KISS. Could happen!


scriggle May 27 2009, 18:46:17 UTC

And ride off into the sunset!


scriggle May 27 2009, 19:58:24 UTC
Just an FYI from Vancouver. Gunless is definitely a film. According to info published a couple of months back, it will be made on a modest $10 million budget, with help from Canada's Telefilm(for a CDN film that's actually not so modest). It will be released in spring 2010.


c_regalis May 27 2009, 21:20:07 UTC
Cool. Thank you! (Any idea how big Callum's role might be?)


scriggle May 27 2009, 22:21:21 UTC
I'm trying to get some info on that. People assure me it will be more than appearing in one scene. It will be a busy next few months for Callum as he has this, Shattered and is seriously looking at getting a place in LA. BSG and Californication brought up his value A LOT.


c_regalis May 27 2009, 22:30:35 UTC
People assure me it will be more than appearing in one scene.

That would be good! It sound like it could be awesome.

BSG and Californication brought up his value A LOT.

GOOD FOR HIM. About time, too. (Kinda weird about BSG though, to me it seems like he spent a lot of time standing around in the background. Wth.) But I kinda noticed that (in forums and stuff) suddenly a lot of people seem to know who he is. \c/


scriggle May 28 2009, 13:32:04 UTC
brought up his value A LOT.

As c said, he totally deserves it.

While you're around, do you have any info on Shattered or on Halo?


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