
May 09, 2008 23:42

Hi internets, I am back again la di da. When I got home today I had to lie down for a while and I dreamed that the whole Battlestar Galactica universe was basically one big Groundhog Day that ends as soon as whatever is left of humanity and cylons reach earth and then starts again immediately. With the events from the miniseries. Everyone but Leoben gets a different role the next time around and no one but him remembers what happened before. I guess that would kind of suck for everyone but it amuses me to no end. Yeah, I just felt like telling you that.

In other news Ron Moore loves me and wants me to be happy. Well, okay. Probably not. But he did make me happy anyway. This last episode? Was for ME. So. Much. Love.

Lots of love for Baltar too. And Chief Tyrol. Although we have to talk about that hair thing. But I really don't have time for that right now. Because. LEOBEN.


So, Demetrius. I love this week's crazy Kara a lot more that the one we got two weeks ago. Maybe because she is crazier. What's with the OMG she wants to fly a VIPER though? Kara? In a viper? The mind boggles.
Okay, the heavy raider. I love how the heavy raider looks. All beat up and drifting. And I love how they are kind of circling each other. Although technically the raider is more, like, circling around itself. Um. Yeah. And Kara is all Come on! Talk to me, shoot me, do SOMETHING. Well, I guess if you have been looking for earth for two months and you are on a sewage ship without any air conditioning and your crew thinks you are crazy... yeah. Especially when a heavy raider was what got all this started.

Kara. I'm alone. This is not an attack. I knew I'd find you. Knew you'd be out here, searching.

I'm here to offer you a truce between cylon and human. And a chance for you to complete your journey.

His. VOICE. *flail*


Aaaaand we are back. Gaeta! Heavy raider's docked to the airlock. The animal part that controls it looks dead. There's only one Leoben on board. Starbuck is still taking one hell of a chance.

Helo: If he wanted to kill us we'd be dead by now.

Athena: Which means he wants something else.

Hey, Athena, why so bitchy? Hey, what's with Hera? Do they have her there? Hidden somewhere between some sewage recycling machines? Probably not, hm? Maybe that's why she is like that? (I wouldn't leave my kid with Roslin if I where you. Athena. Just saying.)

Leeeeoooben. All manacled and snarly. ♥

Kara. Thank you for this. I have been praying for a miracle.

I love how Kara is all, Oh, hi, it's you. Thought so. How's it going? And the Don't look at me like that, all under her breath because Helo's listening. And he apologizes. Leoben. For looking at her like that. Nice. You know, I wanted to say that for a while, lets forget all the OMGRAPIST comments elsewhere for a while. I actually think that his thing for her was never about sex. Not even a little bit. I am honestly baffled how many people seem to believe that. God has taken your hand, and purged you of the questions, the doubt. Your journey can finally begin. (Little off topic remark, I believe I am so used to Callum's way to talk mumble by now that I have almost no problems understanding him at all. I am quite fascinated by that fact.) But there isn't much time. The others, the ones I left behind, they need your help. About as much as you need theirs.

And this? Is AWESOME. Yes please. Let the humans rescue the Sixes and Eights and Twos. YESPLEASE.

Uh-oh. He got too close and gets dragged away. Nice. I, uh, have a thing for Leoben being cuffed and getting dragged around by the marines. It's a thing. You know? So, anyway, what did she just say? I need you to tell me why I'm here. Hi, BSG, sometimes you are more awesome than usual.

He knows about earth and Kara makes the marines stop. And he, and here we see for the first time what I really, really LOVE about this episode, what I love most. The marines stop and he snarls and jerks out of their grip and they let him go and he ignores them completely and just starts talking to Kara again. And it's this... it's that you can see that things have changed. This Leoben is much more desperate than we've ever seen him. Less in control, much less patient than any other Leoben before. No time for games anymore. This is important. And not just for Kara, not just this I am trying to make you see your destiny thing. That too, of course, but not only that. Civil war in cylonland. (\o/ I just love that story line.) And he's here for help.

The hybrid. When she first described it to me, how beautiful it was, I cried. You need to go to her. The hybrid. She'll tell you things. Amazing things.

Aaaand Helo is back again, all protective and stuff and they drag Leoben away from her again (♥), and Kara is, Wait! and Take him to my quarters. Which is quite awesome and the crew is all wtf and Leoben, intriguingly, doesn't look as happy as I thought he would. (And the marines drag him away again. \c/)


Tyrol and Tory. Sorry, I love you both, but I do have my priorities.


Back to the Demetrius. Ha! You guys are not showing how the pilots get from the viper inside the ship. Thought so. Snarky Gaeta! \o/ Starbuck ordered the guards to wait outside, lose the cuffs. Said she didn't want to be disturbed. Heh. Aaaand Anders sees how Leoben is, uh, assisting with the painting. In theory it should be quite innocent, but I do get why Anders is going batshit here, even if we ignore the fact that she promised him a bullet between his eyes when she'd find out he was a cylon (I, uh, really hope she'll change her mind about that. I LIKE Anders.). Anyway, in practice? It looks quite, well. Hot intimate is the word I am looking for. I guess.

I can see why she's so fond of you.

Heh. And

You know. You know what we have to do. Just remember there isn't much time...

Hmm. I didn't think of that when I watched it the first time, but. Did they actually talk before they started to do the painting thing? I was assuming that they didn't, that he just took a look at her room, saw what was going on and, well, got her to work on the painting again. For Leoben and Kara the line would made perfectly sense even if they hadn't talked before. But I guess Helo is seeing conspiracy here. And while I appreciate what he's doing here (Cuff him! Drag him away! Lock him in storage!)
it's another instance where you see just how desperate Leoben is now.

He can help us. The cylons, they understand about earth.

Yeah, I get why everyone is worried. I do think she is right though. Or, well, I hope so. I believe him. And up to now he was only lying about Kacey. Which, okay, is a pretty big lie. Ahem. And, well, Adama is a cylon. But we'll see about that one, I guess.

The guards dump Leoben in the... sewage cellar, I guess, and hi, Anders. Can't let that one go, hm. I guess I get that. And hee, Leoben is all, like, Hey, I hope you got it sorted out with Kara. Would be a shame if you didn't. ♥ Anders is not amused and we have Bloody Leoben. What do you want from Kara?

The same thing I always wanted, (and I love how he looks like he's talking to a retard here. Even though this sentence will always make me think of Pinky and The Brain. Which is kind of sadly hilarious, because bloody, pissed off Leoben is HOT.) Her to understand her destiny. Anders thinks that this is not good enough, but he might be wrong. You know, I wonder if the whole New Caprica thing was maybe just a means to give her enough sense of intimacy with Leoben to believe in him when it became necessary. Hm. It's good enough for her. I love how Leoben is all, I don't really care if you believe me. But, okay, I guess I need you on my side here, I'll give it a try.

What is the most basic article of faith?

And this is possibly the scene I love most in this episode. Because you can see, more than in every other scene, that he has NO patience anymore for any games. What is the most basic article of faith? Hm? What is it? Do I have to spell it out for you? *sigh* I guess I have to, huh?

This is not all that we are.

Aaand, we've achieved another Watchtower moment for Anders. \o/ (I feel bad for him, honest. But this is FUN.)

I like that we have established now that Anders was a celebrity before the war. Nice. For some reason that makes me like his resistance movement more. No idea why. But it does.

You're just waiting for your singular moment of clarity.

Oh, Leoben. You are good.

And O. M. G. There we are. No resurrection ship. Base ship kaput. No FTL. Drifting. And maybe they will all die in the end. I love this a LOT. I want this alliance. I want to see the damaged base star as part of the rag tag fleet. I want this a LOT. Of topic, is CKR's hair getting thinner? It looks like it. Suddenly I get why everyone was so unhappy about bald Hugh.

Oh man, I love how tired he looks.


Sooo, now the cylons want us to rescue them. That's... novel. More snarky Gaeta! \o/ Hi Gaeta, you are awesome today. Also, you are getting hotter. Anders is really mostly made of arms, huh? More even than Helo. Seelix, I kind of like you, but you really should try to get more sleep. You're getting far too bitchy. Athena, you totally forgot that you are a cylon, huh? Strange. More sleep for you too, please. And helo. Helo, Helo, Helo. It's a long way to the Academy Awards. Oh, hi, Starbuck. You didn't actually wash your hair, did you? It almost looks like it.


Tory sleeping with Baltar. Again. And Baltar's crazy cult ladies. And Chief Tyrol. And, hi, Tigh. How did that thing with Six go? I am really curious. But okay, priorities.


Sgt. Matthias. Isn't she, like, a marine? Why didn't they send Seelix? She was deck crew, no? She should know better what...ah. That's why.


And more Baltar and Tyrol. Cally would have wanted this? O RLY. She would have strangled you. Oh. Right. Oh Chief. Tyrol. Whatever. Moving on.


I heard an explosion. Are you all right?

Aaaand, no. She isn't, apparently. Nice backhand.

That's the Kara I used to know.

Desperate or not, he's still amusing himself. It's weirdly charming. Heh. (Also, hi, Leoben, can I keep you chained up in my cellar? I really, really want to. You can sprawling on the ground all you want.)

Ow. Oww. /l\ And, uh. Hot. Well, you know me by now. Damn. Kara's hair didn't really keep the freshly washed look for long. That's quite okay for me.

He's totally not lying. He's not. I'm sure. ...I think.

You used me to get close to the ship.

Uhm. Huh?

God. Hi, bloody Leoben. The magically bloody / not bloody teeth are kind of irritating though. *sigh*

I won't come back this time, I promise. Come on, do it! DO IT!

Did I mention the hot? I think I did. Anyway. Hot.

Doesn't help. Does it.

Leoben, you slay me. You really do. And, yeah, Kara. Her bloody knuckles are weirdly hot.

And here. Callum. Callum Keith Rennie. How are you so awesome. They way he leans back, looks up, first. Now's Leoben's chance. And he's not going to waste it.

All of your life... You forced back the truth by lashing out at everyone around you. Anesthetizing yourself with ambrosia and empty affairs. But you've lost the taste for those petty things.

On a more shallow note, I like how you can hear his shackles clanking when he moves. It's a thing, okay?


Because that part of you is gone. I told you when I first came aboard this ship that you had changed. I look at you now, I don't see Kara Thrace. I see... an angel, blazing with the light of God. An angel eager to lead her people home.

And, yeah. I hope so. We'll see.


I have only few things to say to the next scene. Athena? You're having a hard time, with Hera not with you and forgetting about your past and not enough sleep and all. But, hi? Could you not turn your back to your captain? Crazy or not, that's... wow. Redshirt? Shut. Up. Please. Or, better yet. Go away. He's the new Cally now or WHAT? *hates* Starbuck, that's the most self-centered eulogy I've ever heard. Then again, I know them mostly from movies, so what do I know? Gaeta, you continue to be awesome. ♥ Starbuck still wanting to go to the basestar. (\c/ I am quite sure it's not a trap. Um. Quite, really.) Oh, Redshirt. SHUT UP. (One thing though, I would like to have a little pet cylon. Thank you for that idea at least, Redshirt. And now GO AWAY.) Helo, I have to repeat that thing with the Oscars, but THANK YOU. He's probably not dead though, huh. Just my luck.


Baltar? I still love you. Just so you know. That was quite awesome. Um, yeah, moving on. Almost done! I promise!


Gaeta? You are still awesome. I am quite pleased with this. And hot. Huh, I don't know if it's just the make-up, but Helo? That wasn't so bad. Like, the acting stuff. Nice. Oh Kara, I get why you think that Gaeta will stick to the rules, but, um, no. You should have known. And wow, Anders is really made of arms, hm? I never noticed that before. Aaaaand we have a mutiny! \c/ And I am DONE.

Also, I am quite pissed at SciFi for spoiling the mutiny thing in the trailer. Like they did with the Cally airlocking before. No more trailers for me. Hmpf.

Alsoalso, there's a very nice interview with Mark Verheiden, the writer of this episode: As far as my favorite scene, I’m partial to the moment when Kara confronts Leoben after Mathias’ death and he tells her what he believes she’s become since New Caprica. But then I always enjoy Leoben… and I have to say, I love his shirt in this episode. Now I want one!

Okay, that was quite long. Sorry. Um. I am going to catch up on my flist now. Yes.

ETA: Nice summary of Leoben's appearances in BSG here: And Leoben prays to the Cylon god that people stop hitting him in the face. Or maybe he's praying that they'll keep it up. You never know with Leoben!

ckr, bsg, leoben

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