Because _unhurt_ told me so.

Aug 31, 2007 00:10

Also because I feel like it.

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durham county, pictures, pictures.hd, hd, the hour

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Comments 67

_unhurt_ August 30 2007, 22:18:29 UTC
you work FAST!


(driving actions! eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ♥ x 200)


c_regalis August 30 2007, 22:23:49 UTC
Er, well. I had it uploaded already?

A Black Crown Vic! Talk about looking like a cop. ♥♥♥


shihadchick August 31 2007, 05:24:30 UTC
...oh my god, I went to a MUCH filthier place with that image. Uh.

*attempts to wrest brain back to the 'wholesome' interpretation*


(The comment has been removed)

utterfrivolity August 30 2007, 22:21:07 UTC
Hugh + Callum's car = <3


c_regalis August 30 2007, 22:29:06 UTC
HEE! INDEED! <3<3<3

(*uses only available car icon* *winces*)


meresy August 30 2007, 22:25:51 UTC
Heeeee! ♥

I would seriously commit a variety of crimes in order to see Callum on The Hour. Sigh. I don't know what I'd do to see both Hugh and Callum there at once. HCL2, George? It's terribly interesting, yes? . . . *pokes future George*


c_regalis August 30 2007, 22:34:02 UTC
Oooh. Wouldn't that be just awesome? Or maybe Hugh and Callum together at... whatsitcalled? Open Mike? Please, universe? Or, you know, just an interview with Hugh and Callum together. Just Hugh and Callum. But preferable Open Mike or On the Hour, yes.


meresy August 30 2007, 22:52:32 UTC
No Mike Bullard! :P I don't even think he's on any more. The Hour for sure for me, because George S., the host,is one of my TV Boyfriends. All three on them in on place would have me awash with glee. If this happened, I will happily pay my taxes to the CBC forever and ever . . .


c_regalis August 30 2007, 23:07:06 UTC Mike Bullard? But... Have you seen the Hugh interviews? He LOVES Hugh. So, um, well. *shuffles* But, okay, if he isn't on anymore. Well. *sigh*

I do agree about George S. though. I've only seen that one interview, but he seems pretty awesome. Also, he likes Hugh. (And apparently helped him out at some point. Hmmm.)

((Oh, and CBC is public television? That you have to pay taxes for? Wellll. That explains some of the, er, stuff I saw there. It's like our public television! Mostly sad, but sometimes just more awesome than every commercial tv could ever be.))


vsee August 30 2007, 22:27:48 UTC
I'm still not quite used to the shaved head, but it made me make embarassing squeaky noises anyway.


c_regalis August 30 2007, 22:36:31 UTC
Because he's funny! And CUTE! Even without hair! *hearts him*


meresy August 30 2007, 22:54:45 UTC
Hee! That reminds me of this random fact generator, which I screencapped because it made me die of glee:

... )


c_regalis August 30 2007, 23:08:02 UTC
HEE! ♥


ezust August 30 2007, 22:55:48 UTC

That is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

Thanks for putting it up!


c_regalis August 30 2007, 23:09:11 UTC
Isn't it? You have seen the interview, right? ("Callum gave me his car!" ♥♥♥)


ezust August 30 2007, 23:46:13 UTC

Isn't it? You have seen the interview, right? ("Callum gave me his car!" ♥♥♥)

I've read lots of references to it, but haven't seen it myself.

If I shave my head will I look this hot? (And will Callum give me his car?)



c_regalis August 31 2007, 00:01:27 UTC
Oooh, but do you have it? I don't know if it's still available at The Place. You want me to upload it for you? You need to see it. Trust me.

And, well, I don't know. I guess you would have to shave your head and then mimic driving Callum's car. Then again, okay, you haven't had Callum('s car), so it'd be hard to tell, you know?


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