Not-yet con report, part 2

Apr 09, 2007 22:40

Sunday, 25th

Get up about eight? Nine o'clock. Breakfast at the hotel. Am fascinated by the plastic... silverware and the disposable paper plates. Oooh, they have a waffle machine. Waffles for breakfast. Nice. (Little do we know that the waffle machine will break two days later and leave us craving waffles for days.)
After breakfast Unhurt and I go out and get to know Boston. Start with Boston Common. Feed the geese and the squirrels there bagel with cream cheese. Unhurt takes pictures of trees. Then Beacon Hill. The Old State House. Long Wharf. Unhurt wants to go to the Aquarium (penguins!) but there's a long line of people waiting to get in. Maybe another time then.
We keep walking, find the North End, get caught in some kind of feedback loop. We start recognizing buildings we've seen before, I start recognizing people I've seen before. We find a way out before it really gets creepy. We find an old grave yard, a historical site apparently. There are guided tours. A group of school children with a somewhat harassed looking teacher. (No jumping around on the graves!) After that we... walk around some more? I can't remember. Buy two big bottles of red wine to bring to brooklinegirl's for the BSG watching night. Get back to the hotel, drink almost the whole bottle of the Baileys Unhurt brought with her. Find BLG's email with the directions to her house. (I find my reply to her email the next morning in the saved drafts folder. Ahem. Sorry, Tracey. I was sure I did send it off.) Find the right T station with some difficulties. Manage to buy our tickets with even more difficulties (and mostly through the kindness of strangers). Get on the T to Somerville.
Manage to get off at the right stop. Eeeeee! brooklinegirl and mrsronweasley! Eeeee! Tracey is almost exactly like I thought she would be. Something that's not at all to be expected when you meet LJ people, as I will learn in the next few days. Liz is tiny. I can't stop petting her hair. They are both so very, very awesome. And pretty. And hot. And cute. *draws hearts*
Drinking and talking and drinking and BSG watching and talking and talking and drinking at BLG's place. And drinking. No one but me understands the wonderfulness of Gaius Baltar. Sad, really. Wine. Hopping penises. More talking. Garett Maggart mugs. Glasses with penises on them. More wine and more talking. Garett Maggart pins. (Hm, there seems to be a theme.) We... talk about a lot of things. Fandom! Garett Maggart! The very scary SGA magazine Liz was reading on the T (or maybe bus?), where people could see it. Fraser/Vecchio fic! Porcupines! (No one wants to talk about Baltar. *sigh*)
I have no idea how late it was when Unhurt and I left, but I do remember falling asleep on Unhurt in the T. Ahem. Sorry about that. It was late! I was drunk!

But in conclusion? Fangirls! \c/

Next up: other people's dogs, more walking around in Boston, the Museum of Science (♥), no waffles, breakfast conversations with strangers, muskrats.

muskrats, mj07, rl, fangirls

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