And Christmas? Is OVER. \c/\c/\c/
*clings to internets*
And I got cards! More cards! Beautiful, shiny, lovely cards from YOU. ♥
Golf and serial killer wishes for the new year from
streetspirit18, a lovely, lovely card from
mrsronweasley and a very scary card from, uh, Tracey Maggart.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
So, I am going to finally answer some comments and I can't wait to read everything I missed in the last week weeks months. Tell me what I missed! Stories, pictures, vids, stuff about you, meta posts, whatever! (No SGA stuff omg.) Link me! Please! I am at skip 8758356571151 and I will never be able to catch up. \c/