
Apr 18, 2005 19:32

corrected an answer in my survey
an important correction too! o_o

stolen from zero012

ESFP - The Performer
You scored 54% I to E, 63% N to S, 23% F to T, and 57% J to P!
Your type is called the performer, and you very much feel "all the
world's a stage". Your type is part of a larger category called
experiencers or artisans. You are playful and funloving, and wish to
help all those around you lighten up. You radiate warmth and optimism.
Your motto is "eat, drink, and be merry". You share your type with over
10% of the population. You don't like to be alone - ever, if possible.
You are always up on what is new and hot.

As a romantic partner, you are fun and affectionate, leading an active
life full of friends. You are naturually happy-go-lucky and supportive
of your partner. You dislike confrontation, and will avoid conflict
discussion at all costs. You tend to let things go, hoping they go away
on their own. You feel most appreciated when your partner is
affectionate and acknowledges the good deeds you do, but doesn't make a
particularly big deal out of them.

Your group summary: Experiencers (sp)<

Your Type Summary: ESFP

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 70% on I to E

You scored higher than 82% on N to S

You scored higher than 19% on F to T

You scored higher than 56% on J to P
Link: The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on Ok Cupid

just because I don't wanna do Java... >.>

- outfit: khakis(sp?), regular T
- hairstyle: uh...messy/need hair cut
- jewelry: n/a
- underwear: boxers
- nail color: normal

do you:
- cut yourself: no
- lick yourself: only when I taste good
- whine a lot: I don't think so...
- yell a lot: no
- hate a lot of people: nah
- have too many friends: tsh, I wish...
- want to die: tsh, yes
- have a bf/gf: no
- do drugs: no
- wear dark colors: sometimes
- dye your hair: no
- shave strange places: what's considered "strange"?

have you ever:
- kissed someone: sorta
- gotten drunk: yes
- worn rainbow: mean tiedye? yes
- talked on the phone for over 3 hours: no
- left the country: yes
- had a party with over 30 people: yes
- taken nude pictures: no
- stolen something: yes
- caught something on fire: yes
- cheated on someone: no
- wanted to cheat on someone: no
- asked someone out: yes
- had a dream, then the next day it happens: don't remember...

last person:
- you touched: Myself?
- you talked to: dad
- you hugged: wow...uh...
- you kissed: Yankun ... way back when...
- you instant messaged: Cynthia maybe? don't remember xP
- who broke your heart: hasn't happened yet

are you:
- understanding: yes?
- open-minded: I think so
- arrogant: nah
- insecure: sure
- interesting: maybe?
- hungry: I was...
- smart: xDDDD .... no
- moody: Ionno
- childish: like watching cartoons?
- independent: mostly
- hard working: no
- healthy: I guess
- emotionally stable: probably
- shy: yea
- difficult: nah
- attractive: XDDDDDDD ooo, that's a good one
- bored easily: why the hell do you think people take theses things! ...
- thirsty: was
- obsessive: a few things
- angry: not really
- sad: sometimes
- happy: not really sure
- trusting: probably
- ill: like retarded?
- talkative: to some people
- ignored: probably
- reliable: mostly
- self-disciplined: not really
- sleepy: all the time
- lonely: yea

info about yourself:
- what is your birth name? Le Zhang
- what is your birthday?: 10/27/87
- current age?: 17
- do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
- how tall are you?: 5'8
- shoe size?: 9.5
- brothers/sisters?: 1 sister
- job?: no

- what is your favorite band?: currently it's Felix da Housecat (it'll probably change by next week)
- color?: blue
- soda?: sierra mist/sprite
- music?: any and all music (except for rap where every other word is fuck)
- stores in the mall?: Brookstone, Spencer Gifts
- ice cream?: any
- roller coaster?: any
- candy?: Sour Starburts
- cd?: uh...refer to fav. band
- cookies?: whatever's lying around
- juice?: orange
- holiday?: chinese new year, just 'cuz that's the only time i feel azn xD
- month?: end of June (June 23 to be exact)

in the last 48 hours:
- cried?: no
- missed someone?: yes
- yelled at someone?: no
- changed your underwear?: yes
- drove somewhere?: yes
- talked to someone on the phone?: yes
- been online?: no..this is up here because I sent it telepathically to my lj..
- smiled?: yes
- had sex?: no
- kissed someone?: no
- hugged someone?: no
- last thing you ate?: noodles, eggs, and something like chives
- talked to an ugly person?: one's ugly...

have you ever:
- kissed someone of the same sex: no
- been in trouble with the police? no
- hit someone?: yes
- broke something?: yes
- betrayed a friend?: no
- played strip poker?: no
- skipped school?: yes
- stole something?: yes
- shot a gun?: a real one? no
- broke something important?: I hope not...
- smoked weed?: no
- dyed your hair?: no

okay last questions:
- what is sitting next to you?: Java hw, mini p-bars, wallet, cell, and a bunch of other shit
- do you get along with your mother?: yea
- favorite sport?: Gymnastics ... wish I was actually good at it
- are you gay/lesbian/bi/straight? straight
- been in a plane?: yes
- killed someone?: on a T.V. and computer monitor...>.>
- kicked your cat for the hell of it?: no
- slept during class?: no
- cheated on a test?: yes
- are you bored of taking this survey?: yea
- what time is it now?: 8PM exact
- are you tired?: you have no idea...
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