Stop the train, I'm getting off

Apr 03, 2003 16:35

I've strayed long enough, and I thought that I would come back with a different attitude. I'm sure you are not going to like what I have to say.

Date created: 2002-08-21

That's when it began. I was looking for fun, and a way to get away from the wife and kids for awhile. Now, over 7 months later, I am alone in Toronto, lacking sleep because I've done nothing but film the movie. The kids are at her house, and I won't see them again until next Monday. I haven't felt more alone, yet at the same time more free.

No, I didn't see it coming, but no one ever sees the end. You have to know when to quit. You have to know when to move on. Seven months ago was I more of a man than I am now? Probably not because I feel that I'm a lot less of one. I ran from my family and I ran from the woman who reached her hand out to help me up off the ground.

Where I go from here is not clear, but it is certain that I cannot stay. There are so many people who reached out to me and I cannot thank them enough for their kindness and generosity. There will be many of you I miss, but it really doesn't matter anymore.

This is my pathetic excuse for saying goodbye, not with a yell or a whimper but with a shrug. It's not that I don't care, it's probably that I care too much. I'm sorry my stay in this realm couldn't be longer, but I know I will see you down the road.

This journal is closed. Thanks for the memories. If you're lucky, you may see me again.

[I'm jumping on the bandwagon and leaving. It's not that I don't like being Chris, but look what he's been reduced to. It really does hurt me to not have the time to devote to him as I used to. He deserves someone who can play him, and be around. All I ask is for those who feel brave enough to take this role on, please do him justice. I've failed in that aspect, and for that I apologize. I deviated from the formula and I've paid the price, but I think others have learned as well. It's all part of the process. I'm glad to have played along in this capacity for this far. My time here is done.]
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