19 solid years...

Apr 20, 2005 00:58

Well i would say that the rest of my birthday went quite well. I got a nice assortment of presents from my college friends: Granola Bars that are always gone at the eating hall :(, Running Pants (Cuz i really don't have any), an M&M Dude, and a thing of stickers...not sure what i'll use those on...lol...but...haha. Later on i found out that my softball game isn't until next week, which is great news because i was still limping around with my leg cramp. Other than that, i rather slow night. Thanx to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, whether it was through IM or LJ, i really appreciate that! I played a little catch later tonight, did a little homework, and listened to the huge storm outside. No need to fear any tornado or anything in our bomb shelter of a dorm, lol! But as a closing to my birthday, i thought i'd reflect a bit on the past 19 years and look back on how i met all of my friends.

19 Years in the Life of Chris Nate...

Well these past 19 years have been a blast. My god, how time flies. Pewaukee was my home for my whole life. In fact i've only been out of this state about 4 times. Sad really considering half of those were to Illinois to Six Flags. So i really spent most of my time in Pewaukee. Around my neighborhood, there were always a few kids that i would hang out with. And things got even better when Ryan Hainey and Amanda Gediet moved in to town! We three were inseperable. We would go sledding, play risk, spray our hair orange (i really don't remember why?) haha, capture the flag and kick the can, and of course our favorite game Fugitive. Now it seems that we three haven't been together in so long, it's really quite a bit sad.

Elementary School i met a lot of my friends that would stay with me for the future. I met my first friend Dave Makhija. We were in the same pre-school, and would end up on the same soccer team, along with Andy Heinen. Interesting story with andy, i was assigned to show him around recess the first day of school in 1st grade, and ended up losing him at recess...i feel bad about that, cuz i later found out he was lost out there and had to find the Counselor to find his way back in. But times moved on, and i became good friends with andy. I met Dan Newman in 4th grade, when we had Mrs. Zabrowski. We would always visit her and the bunny that she would have in the room. Dan and i would soon become really good friends. and then in 5th grade i met Mark Maczka. It took me awhile, but i soon became great friends with him as well. Elementary school was a great time with some great teachers. Soccer as the Sidekicks was really great times.

Middle School: I would enjoy the last of any field trips of my schooling career, and get accustomed to having more than 1 teacher. In the friends department, I would join with amanda's friends, (who i didn't get along with at first) but we soon got on good terms and would become friends...Annie, Holly, Katie, Lori, would all join my friends list. But at this time, i took a bit of a hit when i lost Andy as a friend. We got in a bit of a stupid argument over Pokemon cards if i'm not mistaken...(sad huh?), and i also started not hanging out with dave as much, until it eventually stopped totally. But hey, in 8th grade, Brian Klesius moved to town, and i found myself with another really good friend.

And now HIGH SCHOOL! One of the greatest times of my life. For friends, Sophomore year on, were the years where i could make friends with the people younger than us. I met Allison Wickler because she was a friend of Amanda, and eventually i hung out with her enough as well to become friends with her! (As well as the Caroling at the Hospital)! Kasey Wagner i met when she was dating Brian, and soon hung out with her enough to become good friends with her. As well as the times at good ol varsity choir!!! I met Becki when she was dating dan, and hung with her a lot as with Allison and Kasey, at all of our friends get to gethers! Then there are friends such as Khunen and Feller and Tommy Z, that i met in the long Baseball run! Also in high school, i got to hang out with Andy again, and did indeed become good friends with Andy once again. And finally who could forget Ping-Pong!!! I would hang with Dan, Brian, Kasey, Jordan, Andy, Kron, and occasionally Becki. And Stimpert...haha...These were the times where so many weekends i would spend with all of my friends.Since we were each really friends with the same group of friends things worked very well. I will never forget this time period, and have tried my best to keep these friendships alive in college.(Oh and during this time is when i developed my stomach problem which i still have. For those who don't know...this provides me with discomfort and pain, almost every day...i have learned to deal though :) )

And now college...the hardest thing i ever did was go to college. I didn't just have to leave my family, i had to leave all the friends above, all at the same time. I was taken from the world that i knew and loved, and thrust into a world of strangers. I eventually would adapt and meet some great people, but i still miss all the people from the world i used to live in. Which is why i cannot wait to return there. I like college very much, but 18 years worth of memories is hard to just toss to the side.

So 19 years of great laughs, great friends, and a great place to live...hmmm...any regrets...maybe just 2

1) I have always and still am very shy, and maybe missed out on knowing some good people.
2) In 19 years, i have never been on a date...(Self confidence drops just a tad) It just occasionally has me wondering...am i just shy...or do i need to change something about myself??

Well wow...that's a lot...if anyone read this whole thing, i'm very impressed!!! :)...Thanks to all of you who have made my life complete. Because without you guys, i would never be able to be this happy. It might be sad missing all of you while i'm away, but when i see you guys again it makes each time all the better.
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