I almost got stranded in Caledonia last night. The snow was crazy up there. Farm living is not the life for me, I'm telling you.
A little bird got into Josh's garage and it wouldn't leave. We went out there to smoke a joint, and it kept flying around us. We tried to catch it, but it would fly at us and I would scream and run. I felt bad for making so much noise since it was just a little guy, but I'm a bit afraid of birds. It left on its own today, I guess. I hope it's okay.
I started working at Eastgate today. No more Mapleview, except for a few shifts this week. See ya, suckers!
I got that facebook thing because I wanted to see what the big deal is. Meh. It's no myspace, I'll tell you that. I need to find better ways to waste my time.
I realized the other day that I am severely lacking male friends. I have Scott, who I only talk to on occasion. Mike, but he's always busy.. and he's slightly crazy. I miss having close guy friends. Although I love my girl friends to death, guys are easier to talk to most of the time.. and it's fun to flirt with them. Come back, guy friends!
I'm going to a stag and doe this month for a boy I went to high school with and worked with. He's 3 years younger than me, which would make him 21. 21 and getting married. I'm really happy for him, don't get me wrong.. but 21 seems so young! Even 24 seems really young to get married! Ahhh! I'm starting to re-think this whole marriage thing. I like the idea of the dress and the special day.. but the lifetime commitment, and all that stuff? Yeeeeaahhhhhh.. I dunno. People keep asking me about Josh and I getting married, and it makes me feel all panicky. It's scary.
..but I sure do like stag & does.
It's movie time.
peace out.