Springboard 22: Nowhere Else

Sep 02, 2008 09:07

If you weren't doing the job you're currently doing, where would you be? What would you be doing? Do you have any dreams for yourself that never came to pass? Talk about it or don't!

I think if I wasn't a cop... I actually don't know where I'd be or what I'd be doing. Since I was seventeen I've known I was going to be a cop. I think I had aspirations of being a track star or something like that but I think I always just knew I'd end up with a badge. It's probably my dad's fault. He was a cop my whole life and didn't retire until I was already a cop. I just knew I'd follow in his footsteps.

Maybe if I wasn't a cop I'd still be married, maybe a stay at home mom like my mom was. Or maybe a teacher. I like kids so being a teacher wouldn't be so bad. I have no idea what I'd teach though. I never really accelled at one subject over the other. I guess that means I'd have to be a gen-ed teacher for elementary kids or something.

I've never really thought about what I'd be or who I'd be. My identity is tied up in my badge. I know that's not always a good thing but it's who I am. I don't think I could be happy doing anything else.

entry: open, entry: springboard, muse: connie murphy

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