Aug 05, 2008 07:28
How do you calm down and mellow out after a rough or stressful day?
On really bad days, I run. If I don’t, I’ll just spend all night tossing and turning because I can’t stop thinking about the case. If I wear myself out, I’ll sleep.
There’s a jogging path near my house that connects to the Lake Shore Drive path, and that’s the one I usually take. I generally do two miles, one out and one back to the house. It’s really good exercise, and it wears me out enough to stop thinking about work. If you've never seen the Lake Shore of Chicago, it's amazingly beautiful. There are parks pretty much along the whole way along with beaches. A lot of the old architecture is long the Lake Shore too. You really see why Chicago is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
There are other ways I relax. Aikido helps sometimes because it is partially meditation. The problem is me though. I can't always turn off my brain. The shooting range can just work me up even more, but running always calms me down. I'll even run in the winter if it's a really bad case. If you've never experienced a Chicago winter, you won't realize how dedicated that is.
It's healthier than alcohol and really easy.
muse: connie murphy