Springboard #6: An apathetic society.

Apr 18, 2008 13:19

"People gotta talk themselves into law and order before they do anything about it. Maybe because down deep they don't care. They just don't care." - Martin, High Noon

If one takes a single day to read the paper, they will find this is true. I do not believe that it was always this way. I would not even try and say when this came to be, when mankind lost the ability to care but it has happened.

Children are killed and most do not care. A woman screams and yet no one even looks. The attitude that it does not concern me so why should I care is prevelant in our societies. I do not think this is only an American problem either. Other countries have crime and injustice and yet people do not want to see it or acknowledge it is real unless it involves them.

People hold others to a higher standard, one they themselves are unwilling to strive for. They wish the crime to happen over there, away from them, yet when it crosses their path, becomes part of their life, they cry out why me without ever caring why them? Why did I not do anything for them?

So it falls upon law officials to uphold this standard. We are to be not only officers and agents but parents, role models, a military force, as well as play monitor. Law officials are expected to stop crime and yet not infringe on personal freedoms. They are expected to keep the peace, yet are reprimanded any time they step across an invisible line of individual space.

Law and order in a society can not merely come from without, upheld by badge and gun, it must come from within as well.

muse: alex eames, muse: ziva david

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