Whiskey in Mind International Fanvideo

Sep 09, 2011 20:31

I've been promising to do the Whiskey in Mind video for international fans of Kane since I did the American Made video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay_ddNP750o). I'm gonna do it after Aldis' birthday video since I did promise. If you want to participate, here are the details.

Please feel free forward this to ANY Kane fans who would be interested in participating. IF you tweet this though, reference my website - http://alikatskorner.net

Here's what I need. Pictures of Kane fans either wearing Kane shirts (old or new), holding a Kane cd, at a Kane show, with Christian, Steve, Jason, Will, or Ryan, or something Kane related. (don't include Darren and Rosalee pics though because that's not part of Kane, that's just Steve) If you want to send a short vid (between 2-5 seconds long max and speaking will be muted), you can do that too.

But, and this applies to everyone, no nudity, no topless with hands covering breasts, nude with other things covering the goods, etc  :P

Since I don't know how many videos I might get, make sure you send a picture with your video so I can use the pic if I don't have enough time for the videos. Neither are long songs. Try to get the best quality picture you can and I might still have to alter it if its too dark or whatever. I'd like the pics to be about 1280 pixels by 720 pixels if I use the whole shot. I will probably do a lot of montages so they will be shrunk as needed but the quality is lost when I downsize. Videos need to be 1280 x 720 or 640 x 360 or it will be all jacked up on size.

What I need you to do from here:
1. Please let me know if you're participating at this email: alikat7@livejournal.com (or comment here with your name, email address, and you can include a link to the photo if you want) If I don't get any notification that enough people will participate I can't do that video so let me know!!!
2. Let me know ASAP if you're doing a video or picture so I have a clue how many I'll have. But make sure you send me the picture w/a video in case I can't use the video.
3. Please forward this to all your Kane friends.
4. You can have more than one person in a picture so feel free to send pics of a group of friends showing Kane love. But make sure you get everyone's permission, names and locations before you send the pics.
5. Tell me where you're from. You can either tell me just a country or a country with more details. 
6. Make sure you give me the name you want to use on there since everyone has different names on twitter, LJ, email, etc.
7. Try to use current pictures not a high school picture with the Kane logo slapped onto it. In fact, don't add the Kane logo to the picture - just wear something Kane related or print out a sign to hold. Something current and creative.
8. Send me your pics by Oct 5th but let me know ASAP if you want to participate.
9. I'll be burning the videos and pics on a DVD and sending them to BrandX as well as posting them on YouTube. I'll load the pics into flicker too.
10. If you sent a pic last year - I *probably* still have it but just in case or if you want to update it, send it to me again.

@alikat_7 on Twitter

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