Jul 04, 2006 09:24
Lately, I have taken to sipping coffee and soda out of a straw in small attempt to save my teeth from rotting. But recently came to the realization that straw or not, my insides still rot w. such liquid.
And how true this is day to day.
Save face and let outside remain pretty-even w. such ugliness going on inside.
I know I have been absent. Ive had too much fire on my tougue to push pen for fear paper will start to flame. Some where or there I fear that Ive lost myself in the daily hum-drum of life and have become pregnant w. a 23 yr old male. some babies dont require this much care. But I know what I vowed and I meant what I vowed and vow to die even alone w. these vows.
In other news, we moved and I find myself wondering daily if my neighboors can see me walking about naked.