this is so funny.....look at how i scored on phallic compared to ppl my age....oh boy
You scored 41% Oral-receptive, 48% Oral-aggressive, 32% Anal-retentive, and 46% Phallic!
So WTF does this MEAN?!
Freud thought that the ideal character was the genital character. These people are sexually mature. They are capable of loving others and being loved in return. They don't waste their libidinal energies on immature fixations. The genital character doesn't exist on this test. We wanted to see how dysfunctional you are, remember?
So what does my highest score mean?
The Oral Receptive Character
This character occurs when an infant is overindulged. As a child, they were likely unconditionally encouraged and praised. In adulthood, they tend to be dependent, gullible, and overly optimistic. Their friends find them very demanding, which is confusing and hurtful to the Oral Receptive Character. This character needs to learn to accept that not everyone will love them.
The Oral Aggressive Character
This character occurs when an infant was often frustrated. Later in life, they learn to exploit other people. They frequently argue and like to long as it's understood that they are always right. They also tend to be a little sarcastic. And yes, they like to chew on things. (Oral-fixation anyone? Yeah, now it makes sense.)
The Anal Retentive Character
This character stems from problems in toilet training. Yes, indeed, the Anal Retentive Character had something against the potty. These people tend to be very regimented and orderly. Everything must be perfect so that they feel in control.
The Phallic Character
Ah, what would a Freudian test be without a phallus? The Phallic Character results when the Oedipus conflict is not entirely resolved. For men, they felt threatened by their father and consequently feel castration anxiety. For females, apparently they just really want a penis. Either way, Phallic Characters tend to be exhibitionists, often trying to seduce others to make up for feeling threatened as a child.
How many Freudians does it take to change a lightbulb?
Two: One to screw in the lightbulb, and one to hold the penis.
Um, I mean, ladder.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 38% on Oral-receptive
You scored higher than 76% on Oral-aggressive
You scored higher than 15% on Anal-retentive
You scored higher than 99% on Phallic
The Freudian Character Test written by
cupidjr on
Ok Cupid Wow, not like I was feeling manipulative and bitchy enough lately.... :)
I had an awesome weekend though!! Highlight was def Sofia coming to visit....i can't wait to go home and chill w/ her and the rest of HS ppl :)