Oct 19, 2004 13:47
I'm sick and tired of people messin' with our crew. Fred got takin'. It was bad and we got her back. She's all right. Fred's tough. She bounces back. Thing is, why we gotta keep bouncin'? We're out there, night after night, day after day, bustin' our asses to try and save the world. You'd think we'd get cut a little bit of slack.
Hell no, cause that would make to much sense. Gotta keep screwin' with us. Gotta keep messin' with us until we snap. Well, congrats, cause I think Angel done snapped. Not that I blame him, but I am not in the mood to deal with Angel-us whoever the hell he is today.
Started with Cordy. Her visions been all freaky and stuff. She's havin' them non stop. Which, could be understandble. We're in the middle of an apocalypse and she is our vision gal. Not like she and Destiny been gettin' any breaks and stuff. Problem we got now is the visions Cordy been gettin'? They are like flashbacks and stuff from cases we already solved. Non stop glimpses of team Angel's greatest battles.
It's gettin' to her. Not sure how to help her. Yeah, she ain't got the pain no more, but that don't mean having streaming video of demon attacks is good for her. Especially when it's not of people we can save. Cause they were already saved and she can't get a picture of the people who need to be saved now.
I mentioned I was sick of this shit, right?
Now we got Angel...Man, he's back in that mode. Angelus is a little to close to the surface. I straight up asked him what nonsense he was up to with Lilah. Cause, yeah, I heard his convo with Cordy and I followed his vampire ass to the evil law firm. I saw him roughin' her up and while I don't believe in hittin' a woman and stuff, ain't like Lilah is a regular lady.
I saw him vamp out, and he knew I was there. Knew I was watchin'. Didn't stop him none. When he walked out, he just looked at me. Like he was darin' me to question his ass. So, I did. Asked him what the hell was his problem. Did we need to hunt down a cage. He said he got it under control. That he knows how to deal with Lilah.
Yeah. He knew how to deal with her when he locked her and the cowboy in the wine cellar too. We ain't got time for that kind of nonsense right now.
We're in the middle of an apocalypse. Angel has got to get it together or we're gonna have to put his ass in the cage.