Feels like it.......

Oct 17, 2008 16:02


The Recipe For Nadia

3 parts Intellect

2 parts Enchantment

1 part Sexiness

Splash of Giddiness

Shake vigorously

What's the Recipe for Your Personality?

This is funny......


Your Superpower Should Be Invisibility

You are stealth, complex, and creative.

You never face problems head on. Instead, you rely on your craftiness to get your way.

A mystery to others, you thrive on being a little misunderstood.

You happily work behind the scenes... because there's nothing better than a sneak attack!

Why you would be a good superhero: You're so sly, no one would notice... not even your best friends

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Missing out on all of the glory that visible superheroes get

What Should Your Superpower Be?

Invisible??? Well I'd certainly find a great use for this superpower....
*imagining "If I can be invisible"*
(>///<) *blush*


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