5 Days Left.....

Sep 12, 2008 20:29

5 more days before I turn 20...
Though it just one year more but it really does matter, I guess....

Turning from tens to twenties, feel like I'm already on the same group with the 29 years old rather than with the 10-19 years old.....
Rather terrifying I must say, that soon I'll be graduated from college, working, facing the real world (and making family?? Hohoho^^)

Many of my friends and families are having their birthday close to mine...
8 of my friends, my father and also 1 of my relatives are having their birtday on September.
And also:

(Yasu is 6 days earlier and Subaru is 5 days after me!! Hehehe^^)

Not sure whether I should be happy with this, yeah sure it's fun to celebrate together (especially when treating the other friends to eat, we can share among the friends, so we won't spend too much, Hehehehe^^).

But on the other hand, my birthday wouldn't feel special........
Seems that many people share it with me.
(Though having the same birth month with Subaru and Yasu does make me feel happy, hohoho, they are special...^O^)

Days left before 20:


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