A tragic story

Nov 30, 2006 23:49

Herein lies a tale terrible to tell.
Warning: Ship-on-ship action; violence; graphic ship death. Please do not click on the cut if you are now, or ever have been, Commodore James Norrington.

Ah, the Interceptor. Fastest ship in the Caribbean, or so they say. Isn't she a bonny lass?

But who's that unsavoury fellow lurking in the corner, eyeing her covetously? Jack Sparrow, that's who.


With all the scruples of a pirate, which is to say, none at all, Jack Sparrow steals commandeers the Interceptor, and sails off about his weasely black business.


Huh. Maybe we've misjudged Jack Sparrow's weasely black guts. The Interceptor looks to be in fine form, even after a trip to a Dread Island of Aztec Curse.


But oh, shit! What's this?

The Interceptor is being pursued by the Black Pearl! Run, Interceptor, run! Barbossa's after you!


At first, it looks as if all might be well. The Interceptor's got a comfortable lead.


Oh no, Interceptor! The Pearl's right behind you!


Time to stand and fight!

The Interceptor fires!


(more fighting and firing)

Oh, no. No. Look what's happened.

The Pearl, being captained by a man So Evil Hell Itself Spat Him Out TM, has gotten the best of the Interceptor. We don't blame you, Pearl. We blame Barbossa

Oh! And now she's exploding! I can't watch...

And there she goes, sinking into the depths. *sniff*

Take your hat off, and give the Interceptor a kind thought, as she lies full fathom five.

Poor Interceptor. Poor Dauntless, losing her friend like that.
Poor Commodore Norrington. That Jack Sparrow stole the Interceptor on his watch, right out from under him and then let her get sunk. Boy, a thing like that sure could make a man a little bitter, couldn't it? Or perhaps make him determined to chase down the pirate thief, so that said pirate thief could take some responsibility for his actions? Let's hope that Norrington's not the type to take it to obsessive lengths.
For now,though, I think he could use some comforting snugglebunnies. Line forms behind me.

interceptor, picspam, black pearl, untimely death, ship porn, bloody pirates

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