Jan 24, 2010 19:57
Universe has been showing me I have friends that love, care and appreciate me.
Friday I had already had plans to go to my old old friends Beth's birthday party (After the brief stint at a group home in 93 I ended up being her room mate for the remainder of my first extended stay here. I have not seen Beth since 1998) but I was thinking my ride was going to fall through. I get a text from Noah and Carrie to go to Burger Meister. Just like that out of the blue... While at burger meister my ride came through and I was off to SF with another old friend Claire who I knew from that time period as well. I recall the first time I met her was at Temple at the Oasis in the upstairs area. Though I haven't seen Claire in a long while either, last i bumped into her was at Lucky JuJu Pinball around, 2004??? or was it 05?. At the party was Ferret, Chad, Victor and Turner. Victor and Chad I haven't seen since 1998, Ferret went to Ain't Dead Yet in 2001, Turner I've seen recently at Forbidden Island. Plus met a few new people.
Saturday I get a text from Phylean to hang out. Of course it took awhile to actually hook up, but it happened. She was quite sad that I was debating moving and even offered space at her studio. She was being very optimistic about me finding work she even tried to get me a job at Home Depot. Oddly, soon after she suggested it I get a text from another friend who says I could squat at their pending foreclosed condo. Met her roomates and other friends shows up but had to leave so I could get enough sleep for work today.
This morning I woke to an email saying "Joel XXX would like to be your friend on Facebook". Joel was one of two of my bestest friends in Jr. High/High School (Renee being the other). Forcing him to watch The Cure in Orange. Running a muck with him and Mike in Silverdale, staying up all night at Denny's with Brian in Bremerton creating art (do you still lick your chin when your drawing? Not you Brian). Playing Vampire live and dice and Magic and reading comic books. boffer games and LARP (I already mentioned that didn't I). a muck a muck a muck. TOILET PAPER GO DOWN THE HOLE! you do it THUSLY.
Today I was on the way home from work when I get a tap on the shoulder, it's punk rock Dave. We talk for a bit on the ride to Park street, catching up etc and just as we're about to get off I see Wanda also on the bus. Dave and Wanda meet and quickly start talking, yay. Two hours later I'm at her birthday dinner with many other wonderful people. Almost all I have seen recently, but Kristine I haven't since since Wanda's wedding.
Anywho, it's been strange how out of the blue the universe decided, "Hey Christine have some friends." just when I thought my life was falling apart.