Nov 16, 2006 16:34
to people who post and re-post endless scorn for that-John-Kerry-who-obviously-hates-America (and probably children. and puppies.) for his stupid comment:
yes, as you say, "WE OWE A DEBT OF GRATITUDE TO OUR SOLIDERS; THEY DON'T DESERVE TO BE TRASHED BY ANY AMERICAN". really, i could not agree more. but not one of them has been trashed by Sen. John Kerry's stupid comment. so he fucked up a joke that was supposed to criticize the President's intelligence, NOT the troops' (if you're that peeved, go read the transcript of what he was supposed to say.. still wasn't that funny, but would have gotten him into way less trouble).
calm the fuck down, hounds. we should certainly stand up for and defend the men and women who stand up for and defend us every day, but there are WAY more important things to worry about than John Kerry's big mouth (which-- and the soldier below is right about this one-- is always digging him into deep holes than even his supporters might enjoy watching him claw his way out of). thanks, and have a wonderful day.
p.s. to be clear, i am really not criticizing the man who wrote the letter (especially because i really liked his microwave dinner analogy!). in fact, i agree with a lot of what he has to say. the people to whom this little rant is directed are the lemmings who go along with whatever new conspiracy theory they heard on rush limbaugh (or goons of any party, for that matter) and post it all over the blogosphere like they're spreading the gospel. congrats. you've accomplished your goal: "inspire someone else to speak up!"
.----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Body: John Kerry said, "You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well, and if you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq”
So I wrote him a letter:
I am a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. I am currently on my second tour in Iraq, a tour in which I volunteered for. I speak Arabic and Spanish and I plan to tackle Persian Farsi soon. I have a Bachelors and an Associates Degree and between deployments I am pursuing an M.B.A. In college I was a member of several academic honor societies, including the Golden Key Honor Society. I am not unique among the enlisted troops. Many of my enlisted colleagues include lawyers, teachers, mechanics, engineers, musicians and artists just to name a few. You say that your comments were directed towards the President and not us. If we were stupid Senator Kerry, we might have believed you.
I am not a victim of President Bush. I proudly serve him because he is my Commander and Chief. If it was you who was President, I would serve you just as faithfully. I serve America Senator Kerry, and I am also providing a service to the good people of Iraq. I have not terrorized them in the middle of the night, raped them or murdered them as you have accused me of before. I am doing my part to help them rebuild. My role is a simple one, but important. You see Senator Kerry, like it or not, we came here and removed a tyrant (who terrorized Iraqis in the middle of the night, and raped them and murdered them). And we have a responsibility to see to it that another one doesn’t take his place. The people of Iraq are recovering from an abusive relationship with a terrible government and it’s going to take some time to help them recover from that. We can’t treat this conflict like a microwave dinner and throw a temper tantrum because we feel like it’s taking too long.
Senator Kerry, you don’t have to agree with this war. You don’t have to say nice things about those of us who choose to make sacrifices for the rights of every American rather than sit back and simply feel entitled to it. But please Senator Kerry, if you’re going to call me a stupid murdering rapist, stick by what you say. Don’t tell me that I misunderstood or that you would never insult a veteran because you’re one too. Having been there and done that does not give you a free pass to insult me.
My suggestion for you, Senator Kerry, is to remember that your speeches are recorded, and broadcast to us simpletons over here. You may want to write down what you want to say before you say it, maybe have somebody look at it before you say it and tell you what others might hear. Remember that we can’t read your mind, if there are any misinterpretations in what you say, it’s because you didn’t communicate clearly.
Good luck to you Senator Kerry, if nothing else it’s always entertaining to watch you try and climb out of the holes that you constantly dig for yourself.
Somebody who is watching his daughter grow up in photographs so that you can have the right to say whatever you want about him.
{This was written by my husband, Aaron, who is currently deployed to Iraq, in defense of a recent comment made by Senator John Kerry. Pass it along, it might inspire someone else to speak up! ~ Michelle}